Dear Vatican Intelligence' Please Analyze and Pass on To Bishop Bergoglio; Analysis on Covid-19 "vaccines" performed by Prof. Lorena Diblasi and Dr. Marcela Sangorrín

We now all know the truth.

Dear Vatican Intelligence' Please Analyze and Pass on To Bishop Bergoglio; Analysis on Covid-19 "vaccines" performed by Prof. Lorena Diblasi and Dr. Marcela Sangorrín

I ask again Bishop Bergoglio Where is the spirit of truth?, do you have the munus?

search your heart; Repent, he is a forgiving Lord.
Be The Greatest Penitent.

Penitent; feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentant.

Analysis on Covid-19 "vaccines" performed by Prof. Lorena Diblasi and Dr. Marcela Sangorrín
Analysis on Covid-19 "vaccines" performed by Prof. Lorena Diblasi and Dr. Marcela Sangorrín