Pope of Error is Publically Rebuked. Rosary Girl; " I wish That The Bergoglian Nightmare Would End."

What is the logical , causative conclusion from the evidences of excess deaths. We are witnesses to real time a systematic Murderous 'depopulation' agenda

Hector Ruiz
2 mins ago

I immediately knew that the Usurper George Mario Bergoglio is just for the 2,000,000 million dollars that the Chinese gave him to promote the jab, was pretty fishy. and hell, no I wouldn't let anybody get near me with their abomination Jab. God talked to me through the holy scriptures all the time, thanks be to God. it seems that the diabolical democrats liberals were the most affected by their poisonous jab. Thanks be to God, because the liberal's nonsense people are already caught up in their own web. see how their lack of common sense works out for them.

2 hours ago

His biologic injection is the reason for his exacerbation of health issues.

3 hours ago

It still disturbs me seeing people sanitizing their hands before and after distributing communion. If Catholics believe in transubstatiantion then it is highly offensive that anyone should treat the Body of Christ as anything but pure, holy and healing! They are not worthy to touch the Body of Christ if they see it or those who receive it as unclean!

Now, as far as the pope or anyone who claims to come in the name of the Lord and pushes the jab that has been tested and fermented on and with (aborted) fetuses and is therefore an abomination and close to cannibalism, may God rebuke them as He sees fit.

As Jesus has told us, those who hang onto their lives will lose them. And those who took the shot to hang onto their lives, I pray they have repented and are the loudest to protest any future jabs.

3 hours ago

How much did the pharmaceutical industry pay the Vatican for promoting the Covid-jab? Pope Francis has no authority whatsoever on this issue. The pontif however insists, selling out people's health and putting their lives at risk as if it were his core business. What a shame!

4 hours ago

I know a *little* bit more about health matters than the pope, being a registered nurse. I am going with what my gut tells me and not what an installed pope tells me. He is wrong, period. Not only is he wrong in his "facts", he is morally and ethically wrong for his stance. He truly thinks he is God. He goes against the word of God and expects us all to follow, since he is supposed to be our flock leader. Nope. He can go jump off that cliff if he so desires, but I'm not jumping off with him.

5 hours ago

I was denied my religious exemption in Canada (BC) because of the Pope's stance. Pope's stance was actually quoted back to me in their denial. They said that the Pope says is okay therefore I do not qualify for a religious exemption.

PSmith IMO
2 hours ago
In reply to: Carmela

That's why our Pope and Vatican should focus on truly spiritual concerns and avoid their obtuse commenting on secular issues.

John Taggart
5 hours ago

Judas Priest!
It is now clear to me, that Pope Francis, and his handpicked cohort in the Vatican, have betrayed Christ and his Church without any sign of regret nor remorse!
Few signs of faith can be found in his actions nor omissions but rather a despicable grovelling to the powerful of this world as he panders to their every scheme in a way that would have astounded even Judas!

Fatima Caldas
6 hours ago

Amen to all these truths by Bishop Marian Eleganti, an obvious true servant of Our Lord. I especially applaud his final note that confirms what I have also noticed: instead of increased speaking/sharing/interviewing/condemning/attacking/criticizing his own brother Priests, Bishops, Cardinals and laity through the media, Pope Francis should call humanity to more contemplative silence, and to pray on its knees with Rosary in hand and eyes upon the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This Papacy is being reduced to a secular corporation forgetting that the primary mission of the Church is to bring souls to Christ, not to be popular and friendly. God alone, Totus Tuus Maria.

Christ is King
6 hours ago

I never liked Francis from the minute I first laid eyes on him. This hot mess runs way deeper than anyone can fathom. Pray for his repentance. He's going to need it.

4 hours ago
In reply to: Christ is King

I know a snake when I see one!

Joe Adams
6 hours ago

There is little consolation in NOT having had the mRNA Vax when so many of my family, friends, relatives and former co-workers either chose or were forced into taking it. This continued on with booster after booster. The manufacturers were protected from liability by the Emergency Use Authorization Act. BUT, This required that NO Other Treatment be available for Covid 19 be available. SOOO, Any other medical alternative Had to be Discredited and the WHO, CDC and Mainstream Media went to work on Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Calcifediol and Hydroxychlooroquine. ALL of these have a long history of effective medicines BUT Each was discredited by Big Pharma with Clinical Trials based upon Death Bed Testing where the Efficacy could be readily disproven. We were and still are being Manipulated. AND, The price being paid is High. Excess deaths in "Modern" Western Countries remain High. Excess deaths in countries with low mRNA Vax rates is Below Normal since the most vulnerable have already died. YET, Big Pharma is still producing more and more of the Experimental Vax with no end in sight. CRAZY

4 hours ago
In reply to: Joe Adams

And our govt and health institutions are still advocating for it!! It is just unbelievable.

Donna Jorgenson Farrell
6 hours ago

Just for me, even if the Covid "vaccines" were 100 percent effective, I turned them down because of the connection they all had in some form to fetal lines derived from abortion -- research, development, testing and/or production. Many of the "vaccines" for shingles, flu, etc., are using that technology, so I am not getting a flu shot or other "therapies" unless they didn't use fetal cell lines. I did get the shingles vaccine several years ago, but I didn't know about its use of this "technology." I was called a "rigorist" for my refusal of the Covid "vaccine," but my response was that I'd rather be a rigorist than lukewarm. I applaud this bishop's stance.

7 hours ago

What is wrong with Bergoglio? He wants to put his hands into all that is wrong, all that is not in his field of expertise and wants to play God over Catholics and the Church. He is a narrsasitic and sociopath( he lacks remorse and acts purposefully nasty towards clerics who speak truthfully). His handling of the Plandemic ( without having any Medical and pharmaceutical Knowledge) shutting down Churches and telling Catholics up until now to take the jab is absolutely ridiculous and wrong.He cited and still does with the elites that want to control the World and destroy humanity and he brought / is bringing chaos into the Church. He is destroying souls. He is an evil man but his end will come and so his judgement.

brendan greally
7 hours ago

My wife and I refused the jabbety jabs and spent our time in lockdown administering to those hurt by the lockdown and suffering terrible ill effects of the jabs. We lost many many friends and we know few now who don't think something is "rotten in the state of Denmark". Actually Pope francis makes himself the chief clown -- few dare do this now as the facts are laid bare.

7 hours ago

Rep So Ipso Facto!

8 hours ago

For Heaven's sake STOP CALLING IT "Gene THERAPY."
There is NOTHING "therapeutic" about it!
"Mitochondrial Murder?" by Dr Deirdre McNamara, authentic Homeopath, the first to speak against the death jab, describes the how, why, means and method of the "mRNA" bioweapon's ability to kill succinctly and covertly. It also describes the murders of "with Covid" patients in hospitals.
Even now nurses in the USA are offered $3,000 per week to spread the deadly "cocktail" across the USA.

10 hours ago

bergolio must perform his duty and refrain from meddling in matters he is not an expert in!

Catholicism not Masonic Rule
11 hours ago

Well done for denouncing Bergoglio's Communist negation of the right to Catholics of following their Conscience informed by the teachings of his 2000 years of predessessors.

Gerri Reed
12 hours ago

Amen and Hallelujah! So well-stated and on point. I hope the Pope reads this and takes it to heart--or, at least, shares it with his Pfizer buddies the next time they visit him in the Vatican.

Clayton Lee
5 hours ago
In reply to: Gerri Reed

Alas, he's more likely to read it and try to punish the good bishop.

18 hours ago

The church, the faith, were harmed by the pope siding with the secular world and against medical autonomy. There is no excuse for him to continue promoting this, unless there was a bonus payment attached. What great harm done by one solitary figure.

18 hours ago

I wish PF would confine himself to matters pertaining to the salvation of souls and morality.
I wish the Bergoglio and Biden nightmares would end.

Donna Jorgenson Farrell
6 hours ago
In reply to: Rosarygirl

Actually, Rosarygirl, Francis does a poor job when it comes to the salvation of souls and morality, too.

19 hours ago

Bishop Eleganti, we have an extra bedroom, when the need arises.

n and m
19 hours ago

This goes to show humanity that the globalists, their satanic machinations, and their agenda 2030 goals along with
ALL their plots and plans are as EVIL as-

their attempted removal of GOD from everything and everywhere on earth

their counterfeit ANTIPOPE bergoglio's counterfeit church
their freemasonic usurpation of GOD'S creation to own and rule the world
their attempted re-invention of gender against GOD as HE has created them male and female
their abortion and genocidal multi-faceted death cult
their death inoculations
their lockdowns
their elimination of farms
their humanly toxic genetically modified food
their fluoridated poisoning of water
their toxic chemicals sprayed by airplanes 24/7
their genocidal wars

and on and on and on. . .

Robert Smith
20 hours ago

As far as I am concerned, Francis is as much a criminal a those behind this entire charade. Got that? Criminal!

10 hours ago
In reply to: Robert Smith

Well that wraps it up then, doesn't it?

Margaret L Miller
1 day ago

We are living over the bodies of aborted innocents and that's apparently OK with Frank.

n and m
1 day ago

ANTIPOPE bergoglio is the globalists' EVIL counterfeit head of their counterfeit one world religion church,
and bergoglio is on board with the depopulation agenda satanists who intend to force vaccines
upon the populations by every means possible.

EVIL satanists commit crimes against humanity knowing that today there is little that can stop them. However,
according to our hope in GOD' promise of the TRIUMPH of the IMMACULATE HEART of MARY, GOD will stop them.


Tennesee lawmaker wants rules in place for the possibility of vaccines in produce

By: Tony Sloan
Feb 26, 2024

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF — Some Tennessee lawmakers are wanting rules in place to prevent vaccines from possibly being put in fruits and vegetables.

There are no vaccines in your lettuce or tomatoes when you go grocery shopping right now, but Representative Scott Cepicky believes it could happen since researchers in California have "perfected putting vaccines into certain foods."

The representative crafted what he calls a consumer protection bill to make sure you know whether you're picking up a tomato with a vaccine in it or not in the event vaccines are admitted in your favorite foods.

He says there need to be safety measures in place.

"If you go to buy tomatoes, and there's a polio vaccine in there, that you're aware of what you're buying as a polio vaccine," said Rep. Cepicky. "The problem we have is if it's not treated as a pharmaceutical... How many tomatoes do I have to eat to get the proper dosage versus how many tomatoes do you have to eat? And if you eat too many, do you get an overdose?"

Representative John Ray Clemmons questioned whether having vaccines in fruits and vegetables is legal in TN and if not, is the legislation to protect Tennesseans necessary. Cepicky says having something in place is better than not.

The protection bill passed its latest House committee vote just last week.

10 hours ago
In reply to: n and m

I'm also concerned about gene therapy products (aka vaccines) in animal and chicken meat, as well as eggs, milk, and aquaculture food.

23 hours ago
In reply to: n and m

That would be pure evil, as if the vaccines in themselves aren't evil enough. Who would know how many times they are being vaccinated for the same thing?

n and m
20 hours ago
In reply to: dthy

Pure evil is absolutely right judgement.
It matters that people are aware of their ongoing evil plots and plans.

Also, the c-ov-id plandemic was to manipulate the minds of the multitudes through massive fear mongering to lead them to lose their right reason and right judgement, the better to mandate their inoculation which is now well understood to be of great harm to people's health while also causing the death of millions upon millions.

The awakening to the TRUTH is that humanity is being depopulated by the various plots and plans of the globalists, and their agenda 2030 goals include their plan to depopulate the world by 90 percent. This is understood by many people because the globalists have been exposed to be presently carrying out their culling of humanity.
These globalists who are satanists plan to own and rule the entire world, and if they have their way, they intend to allow only 500 million of the approx. 8 billion people in the world today to remain living in order to be their slaves.
Live Mike
Bergoglio is part of the Spiritual Chastisement that God has permitted upon His people. The miserable situation in which we find ourselves is the result of our hardness of heart and our sins.
Denis Efimov
@Live Mike, I absolutely agree with you in this understanding. And since there is no renunciation of sin, and no reparation to the offended God, the guilt and, consequently, the situation deepen more and more