Pope Benedict Refused Abortion Activist Joe Biden an Invitation to His Funeral - Pope Benedict XVI declined an invitation to Joe Biden to attend his funeral and apparently made the decision to prevent …More
Pope Benedict Refused Abortion Activist Joe Biden an Invitation to His Funeral
Pope Benedict XVI declined an invitation to Joe Biden to attend his funeral and apparently made the decision to prevent the abortion activist from attending before he died.
Biden was not invited to attend Pope Benedict’s XVI funeral at the request of the late Pope himself. Instead, the Vatican ambassador will attend the funeral procession.
“The U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, Joe Donnelly, will represent the United States at the funeral of the Pope, in line with the wishes of the late Pope and the Vatican,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in comments to the White House press gathering. “This is what — this is what their requests were. This is what their wishes were.”
“So, as the President said in his statement, as I’m sure you saw, he joins Catholics and so many others around the world in mourning the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI,” Jean-Pierre said, adding “he will always remember …More
J M Yerian
@Rand Miller He was the pope. And he was very smart. He was a modernist, and supported Vatican 2. Yes. However, he also opened up the TLM, and became more conservative as he got older. He is probably one of the worst popes we ever had. But, he was the pope. He was the Vicar of Christ. When you go to your filthy Sedvacantist mass, you are participating in protestant theater. Good luck.