
Abuse Hoax: Spanish Bishops Inflate Figures

A recent report by the Spanish Bishops' Conference triumphantly claims, that there have been 728 complaints of homosexual abuse in the country between 1950 and 2023, without putting them into context.

These unverified complaints concern 378 priests, 234 religious, 92 lay people, and 23 unidentified (sic). The nature of the alleged abuses remains a mystery.

Javier García Herrería points out in InfoCatholica.com (June 8) that in these 83 years there have been 205,000 priests in Spain, of whom 378 have been accused of abuse, or 0.18%. Realistically, this number should be halved because of accusations that are either false or exaggerated.

Picture: Barcelona Cardinal Juan José Omella, Ángel Gabilondo © CEE, #newsUbcafyklty

Malki Tzedek
The economy, weather balloons, polling numbers, death by Covid cases, sexual abuses - there's a heck-of-a lot of inflation going on! Perhaps to try and make us deflated. "Be not afraid." Or inflated, for that matter.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If the Church were truely Catholic, and kept to the traditions of the Faith including the Mass, and where the Catholic religion and its traditios were an important part in the daily lives of everyone, like it is in many Muslim countries, there it's possible that there would be 205,000 priests in Spain alone.
If Buddhist countries like China,Japan,Thailand and S.Korea can have 250,000-450,000 Buddhist …More
If the Church were truely Catholic, and kept to the traditions of the Faith including the Mass, and where the Catholic religion and its traditios were an important part in the daily lives of everyone, like it is in many Muslim countries, there it's possible that there would be 205,000 priests in Spain alone.
If Buddhist countries like China,Japan,Thailand and S.Korea can have 250,000-450,000 Buddhist monks each, (and that is a noble but "pagan" tradition, then it's not impossible for Spain and other Catholic countries to have the same number of Catholic priests,friars,and monks as well.