Taking Recourse
Yvonne Bontkowski, Executive Director of Taking Recourse along with advisory board member Debi Vinnedge, retired Founder of Children of God for Life, are pleased to be among the signatories of The Bethlehem Declaration. Mrs Bontkowski stated: “This document should not even be necessary! We have hit the defining moment of the so called- “acceptable use” of abortion-derived vaccines and have not …More
Yvonne Bontkowski, Executive Director of Taking Recourse along with advisory board member Debi Vinnedge, retired Founder of Children of God for Life, are pleased to be among the signatories of The Bethlehem Declaration. Mrs Bontkowski stated: “This document should not even be necessary! We have hit the defining moment of the so called- “acceptable use” of abortion-derived vaccines and have not met the fundamental criteria necessary to justify its use, even on a temporary basis. We can no longer sit back blindly and remain complacent, the time is here and the time is now to take action- united in one voice of protest.”

The Bethlehem Declaration: Appeal to Catholic Leaders to reject abortion-tainted COVID vaccines and …

Posted on December 20, 2021 Yvonne Bontkowski, Executive Director of Taking Recourse along with …