One of the biggest misunderstandings in the vaccine debate is that those who conscientiously object to abortion tainted vaccines are somehow anti-vaccination. That is furthest from the truth. The media especially, have a difficult time understanding, let alone explaining, why we rightfully object to abortion tainted vaccines. We want to protect our families, and our decision to abstain until …More
One of the biggest misunderstandings in the vaccine debate is that those who conscientiously object to abortion tainted vaccines are somehow anti-vaccination. That is furthest from the truth. The media especially, have a difficult time understanding, let alone explaining, why we rightfully object to abortion tainted vaccines. We want to protect our families, and our decision to abstain until alternatives become available has never come lightly. We are continually faced with this moral dilemma and unless we continue to fight for ethical alternatives, we will constantly be facing this torment of conscience. I ask, where is our choice?

Where is our choice? - Taking Recourse

Posted on January 26, 2022 One of the biggest misunderstandings in the vaccine debate is that those who conscientiously object to abortion tainted vaccines are …
Laura Yunque
Why are infants, brand spanking new to this life, having to have all these shots??? It is almost as someone is making money from it. The situation in which we find ourselves has made me (finally) pay attention to the vaccine industry. For decades, I suffered from chosen ignorance and brain fog. Now, in addition to this criminal activity we are living under, I have also through the grace of God come …More
Why are infants, brand spanking new to this life, having to have all these shots??? It is almost as someone is making money from it. The situation in which we find ourselves has made me (finally) pay attention to the vaccine industry. For decades, I suffered from chosen ignorance and brain fog. Now, in addition to this criminal activity we are living under, I have also through the grace of God come to increasingly know Him through His Church and it becomes much clearer.
Taking Recourse
We all must follow our informed conscience. Many have made an informed conscience not to vaccinate and many want to vaccinate with out the use of aborted fetal cell lines. It’s all about following our conscience.
Rand Miller
I agree with you, although after extensive research I now know ALL vaccines are ineffective and harmful.