
156 – Amoris Laetitia versus the Church’s enduring Magisterium on matrimony

156 – Amoris Laetitia versus the Church’s enduring Magisterium on matrimony

In face of the confusion caused by the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, and after having shown in two recent studies the lamentable incoherencies and falsities in the document (see here and here), and Denzinger-Bergoglio would like to remind its readers of the teachings that the Church has always conveyed to the ‘remarried divorced’ and to sinners in general.

Let’s not forget that the Church is a Mother and, as such, She has always looked out for her children, especially those in situations of risk to their eternal salvation. Her maternal care has never deceived them about their real situation of departure from Catholic teaching. She has always been able to indicate the path of salvation and provide the necessary means to rescue whoever accepts her help.

An efficacious medicine is often bitter; but when dosed by a mother’s hand, the child is grateful for it. Many of us have fond memories of the care our mothers gave during illnesses, and the tireless efforts they devoted to our speedy recovery.
Failure to administer an unpleasant medicine is not true love; love requires that the dose be accompanied by assuring words on the medicine’s wonderful effects. Let us be faithful to the enduring doctrine of the Magisterium of the Church and bear in mind that God doesn’t abandon his Church even when assailed by contrary winds.

Teachings of the Magisterium
Table of contents

I – How has the Church consistently considered the situation of the divorced who remarry? Out of loving concern, it has never deceived nor failed to alert all regarding the reality of irregular situations
II – Considerations regarding the Church’s zeal for her children who find themselves in sinful situations with no easy way out
III – Two thousand years of the true ‘law of graduality’, or the pastoral care employed by the saints: one without harshness, but also without misleading concessions
I – How has the Church consistently considered the situation of the divorced remarried? Due to its loving concern, it has never deceived nor has it failed to alert all regarding the reality of irregular situations
Catechism of the Catholic Church

– The Catechism clearly states that Christ condemns adultery
– The Catechism does not hide the fact that divorce is a grave offense
– The Church declares: if the divorced are remarried civilly, they find themselves in a situation that objectively contravenes God’s law
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
– Pastors and confessors have the serious duty to admonish the divorced for openly contradicting Church teaching
Pius VII
– Divorce is so grave that even the judge who applies it commits a mortal sin
Pius IX
– Pius IX recalls the admonitions of St. John Chrysostom regarding the sin of contracting prohibited marriage
– All of the pastors should proclaim the paternal warnings of the Pope against divorce
John Paul II
– Pastoral help implies recognizing the Church’s doctrine, just as it is clearly expressed in the Catechism
Benedict XVI
– The Synod of Bishops confirms the Church’s practice of not admitting the divorced and remarried to the sacraments

read more: en.denzingerbergoglio.com/amoris-laetitia…