
Enough Lies! Iranian Embassy to Holy See Speaks up

The Iranian Embassy to the Holy See denied claims Teheran Chaldean Archbishop Thomas Meram made to AsiaNews.it (February 6), an outlet known for divulging CIA propaganda.

AsiaNews.it is run by the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (PIME), an Italian religious community.

Meram alleged Isfahan Archbishop Dominique Mathieu didn’t receive a visa to enter Iran. The embassy insists that Mathieu entered Iran 12 November 2021 and is active in the country.

AsiaNews.it also contended repeatedly that Sister Giuseppina Berti, 75, was refused a visa after 26 years as a nurse in an Iranian leprosy hospital. The embassy states that the sister’s residence permit was renewed, and she lives “without any difficulty” in Iran.