Austrian Catholic Priest Muzzled

Photo ~ Austrian priest Karl Tropper, 75, has been forbidden from preaching at Mass because of his repeated comments about homosexuals and Muslims. Here’s a recent interview he did with Kleine Zeitung:More
Photo ~ Austrian priest Karl Tropper, 75, has been forbidden from preaching at Mass because of his repeated comments about homosexuals and Muslims.
Here’s a recent interview he did with Kleine Zeitung:
You renew a rant every spring against Islam or homosexuals. Recently, you even wrote in the parish bulletin about gay perverts. Why?
KARL TROPPER: They’re perverts. When you can’t say so, you have to go into retirement as a pastor.
Is it right, even in the Church, to proclaim such harsh opinions about homosexuality and Islam?
KARL TROPPER: Who will say otherwise, if I do not? All priests should do this. The bishops in Austria and Germany are failures, they haven’t understood what is brewing. In 50 years, Vienna will be a Muslim city, the Votive Church [a large parish near downtown Vienna], a large mosque.
----------------------------------------- You will no longer go out with your opinions to the public? KARL TROPPER : I only go with my lawyer in …More
Dr Bobus
The Austrian bishops are warming themselves by the fire.