Davide Romano
Slovenia’s Catholic bishops have condemned Fr. Marko Ivan Rupnik’s “acts of emotional, sexual, and spiritual violence,” but praised “his extraordinary spiritual and artistic accomplishments”

Izjava slovenskih škofov ob odkritju zlorab in nasilja p. Marka Ivana Rupnika DJ

Slovenski škofje smo se ob odkritju zlorab s strani jezuita p. Marka Ivana Rupnika 21. decembra 2022 zbrali na izredni …
Ivan Tomas
I don't understand how those ugly, distorted faces of him, with black holes instead of eyes became art!?
Hound of Heaven
I believe the 'destructive' outweighs the 'creative' in this case. If he is guilty of these heinous acts, praising his 'spiritual and artistic' merits is the equivalent of saying "but he loved dogs" about Hitler.