20-Week-Old Babies Feel Pain During Abortion

Poster- National Right to Life

Doctors File Legal Brief; 20-Week-Old Babies Feel Pain During Abortion

A doctors group that supports an Arizona law restricting non-emergency abortions after 20 weeks filed a legal brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit showing that babies feel pain during an abortion as early as the same amount of weeks into a pregnancy.

"Every innocent life deserves to be protected. Not only does this law protect children in the womb who experience horrific pain during a late-term abortion, it also protects mothers from the dangers and tremendous psychological consequences of late-term abortions," said Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Steven H. Aden. "The ACLU and the Center for Reproductive Rights, who filed this lawsuit, apparently don't care about this. Instead, they prefer to pursue their own agenda."

"This brief is intended to educate the court and the public about the reality that babies feel pain during an abortion as early as 20 weeks into a pregnancy," Aden added. "That's just one reason that Arizona's law is entirely reasonable and constitutional."

According to the friend-of-the-court brief, the law "relies upon scientific evidence establishing the unborn child's capacity to feel pain at twenty weeks gestation, and concludes that the acquisition of this capacity makes that child sufficiently like the rest of us to mark a tipping point-a tipping point at which it becomes reasonable for Arizona to restrict abortion."

Arizona is one of 10 states to pass a law banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. North Carolina has had a ban for some time, while Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, and Oklahoma enacted similar bans over the past couple years.

Read more at www.christianpost.com/news/doctors-file-le…
Ot! glupi ludzie... dali sie zwiesc Szatanowi i jego slugusom..
Diabelscy, bo takie zlo, kazde zlo od Diabla pochodzi !!!
Wielcy doktorzy po 50, 80 latach zglaszaja do zastrzezenia co do zabijania malenkich ludzi. Argument: bo abortowani, zabijani czuja BOL !!!
To znaczy, trzeba tylko, idzmy dalej, odebrac istocie ludzkiej bol i wtedy wszystko juz bedzie w porzadku!!!
To jest, konkluzja amerykanskich …More
Ot! glupi ludzie... dali sie zwiesc Szatanowi i jego slugusom..
Diabelscy, bo takie zlo, kazde zlo od Diabla pochodzi !!!
Wielcy doktorzy po 50, 80 latach zglaszaja do zastrzezenia co do zabijania malenkich ludzi. Argument: bo abortowani, zabijani czuja BOL !!!
To znaczy, trzeba tylko, idzmy dalej, odebrac istocie ludzkiej bol i wtedy wszystko juz bedzie w porzadku!!!
To jest, konkluzja amerykanskich lekarzy jak postawienie stopy na ksiezycu.
Teraz to ONI juz sie upewnili, ze zabijane dziecko czuje bol!!!
Nie potrzebujesz byc wielkim lekarzem, profesorem akademii medycznej czy innej, filozofem aby miec swiadomosc, ze jesli jestes istota zywa, jesli masz mozg, nawet w fazie bezwzglednie poczatkowej - czujesz bol.
Ot! sila sie nieboraki przedstawiciele schylku swiata, cywilizacji SMIERCI ma wielkie oswiadczenia i osmieszajace ich konkluzje.
SANGER/wielka zalozycielka Tow. Planowania Rodziny- ha, ha, ha/, aktywisci Plannetparenhood, doktorzy. pielegniarki, prawnicy, politycy stojacy przez dziesieciolecia za Aborcja i odpowiedzialni za zamordowanie setek milionow bezbronnych dzieci winni sa ZBRODNI i trzeba by odpowiedzieli pza swoje czyny, jako zbrodnicze czyny.
By zostali oddzieleni od spoleczenstwa do KONCA SWOJEGO ZYcia.
A jesli nawet unikna kary doczesnej moga byc PEWNI BOZEGO SADU !
So stupid people...So devil's people !!!!
They are not able articulate abortion is devil's killing of innocent and powerless peoples....
Yes they already found these small children "feel pain".
This is like to put step on the Moon.
They now are sure killed children feel pain !!!!!!
You don't need to be big doctor, professor, philosopher to know:
if you have life, if you have brain, even in your …More
So stupid people...So devil's people !!!!
They are not able articulate abortion is devil's killing of innocent and powerless peoples....
Yes they already found these small children "feel pain".
This is like to put step on the Moon.
They now are sure killed children feel pain !!!!!!
You don't need to be big doctor, professor, philosopher to know:
if you have life, if you have brain, even in your beginning moment -

Sanger, other Plannethood activists, doctors, nurses, lawyers, politicians who are behind ABORTION OUGHT TO be PROSECUTED
and jailed and separated from society for a life.

Watch and Think a little by: Abortion performed live - sensitive audience don't watch