Cardinal screens 'Muslim scare' video at Vatican synod

Video on Islam's growth sparks debate at Synod

A controversy arose at the Synod of Bishops on October 13 when the participating bishops were shown a video that Vatican Radio described as a “fear-mongering presentation of statistics attempting to show how Islam is conquering Europe and the rest of the world.”

The video--which was apparently screened by Cardinal Peter Kodwo Turkson, the president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace--emphasized the high birth rates among Muslims in Europe, in contrast with the falling fertility of native Europeans, and concluded that the continent would soon be predominantly Islamic.

“Why one of the Curial cardinal chose to show this piece of anti-Islamic propaganda is quite unclear,” Vatican Radio reported.

But the dramatic presentation did give rise to some energetic discussions, with some bishops criticizing the video while others chose to emphasize the need for more effective evangelization among the people of Europe.

It is at least encouraging that the Islamic invasion is being taken more seriously.