Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I forgot to mention Russia, whose monarchist/czarist party is among the strongest pro-monarchy parties in Europe.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Is that the name of a movie, or is there really an interest in restoring the Polish monarchy. That would be a tremendous thing, and give empetus to some other European countries contemplating a restoration of their monarchies (Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and even Austria and Hungary have monarchist parties of various size and influence. So does Mexico, Brazil, France, Italy, and …More
Is that the name of a movie, or is there really an interest in restoring the Polish monarchy. That would be a tremendous thing, and give empetus to some other European countries contemplating a restoration of their monarchies (Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and even Austria and Hungary have monarchist parties of various size and influence. So does Mexico, Brazil, France, Italy, and Turkey). Monarchies bring a stability and a proud nationalism than democracies don't seem to.
No, it is one of political parties in Poland: Confederation of the Polish Crown. According to their agenda - they would like to preserve the idea of the Polish Crown (which historically is, of course, not limited to the present time Poland). Poland has been a republic only for hundred and five years. It was a monarchy throughout eight centuries.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
It would be nice if it could return to a monarchy, probably similar to the British. If any countries returned to their monarchies, it would probably be along the line of the British format.....largely ceremonial. Still, it is a symbol of nationalism and pride. Democracies are unstable, and to be fair, very boring.
In Japan, we have the Imperial Family, which is VERY popular and well revered and …More
It would be nice if it could return to a monarchy, probably similar to the British. If any countries returned to their monarchies, it would probably be along the line of the British format.....largely ceremonial. Still, it is a symbol of nationalism and pride. Democracies are unstable, and to be fair, very boring.
In Japan, we have the Imperial Family, which is VERY popular and well revered and respected. But the Emperor is more or less just a symbol. That was forced on Japan by MacArthur and the Americans after the WWII defeat of Japan. As a Japanese/American, I believe it was 100% jusified that the USA did what it did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to defeat Japan, even though the human toll was enormous and long lasting. But to be fair, the Emperor (Hirohito) was a pawn of a small group of lunatic nationalistic militarist warlords lead by Tojo who went to any lengths to extend the Japanese Empire, always using the Emperor as the symbol of conquest. There are stories (I don't know how true), that there were threats to kill Emperor Hirohito if he failed to go along or objected to the warlords plans. In the end, they all got their just rewards, executed. But it was ashame that the status of the Emperor was downgraded to just a symbol, because he was so much more to the people for centuries. Some in Japan still revere the Emeroro in the old ways, and not necessarilly aged people.
I often think what this country, the USA, would have been like if George Washington had accepted the role of King, as was suggested to him, after the British were defeated. At least we would not have Biden.🤪🤪
Simone An Karin
The monarchical system is not perfect. Here we can also fall into the tyrant's thrall. However, the legal provisions of such a state organization are much more stable because they take into account a broader time horizon, and this is of fundamental importance to the population. The predictability of such a monarch's behavior, conditioned by his pragmatism in maintaining power, may have a significant …More
The monarchical system is not perfect. Here we can also fall into the tyrant's thrall. However, the legal provisions of such a state organization are much more stable because they take into account a broader time horizon, and this is of fundamental importance to the population. The predictability of such a monarch's behavior, conditioned by his pragmatism in maintaining power, may have a significant impact on the comfort and standard of living of all citizens of such a country.