Who is the pope to you today? Francis or Benedict XVI?

First of all I would like to say that it is not a question of sympathy or of feeling closer to one pope than another: it is a question of truth. There cannot be two popes at the same time. I believe that, due to the fact that Pope Benedict XVI has not duly renounced the munus petrino, in his declaratio, as required by can. 332 §2 for the validity of the act of his resignation, he remains the Vicar of Christ. As some well qualified scholars have said, Benedict XVI has renounced the active exercise of the ministry but not the Petrine office; in other words, it is as if he has renounced ‘being’ the pope but not ‘being’ the pope. This fact, from the canonical point of view, is then confirmed by the subsequent attitude taken by Benedict XVI, who did not renounce the name of Holiness, the name, the signature with the acronym that belongs only to the reigning Pontiff, P.P. (Pontifex Pontificum), remained in Vatican territory, kept the white cassock and intervened several times in the last seven years. The title of pope emeritus is something insignificant and all the more so is the concept of ‘extended’ ministry.

Do you say communion with Benedict XVI?
I celebrate in union with Benedict XVI, being still the Vicar of Christ on earth. I have in fact matured in conscience the decision that it would no longer make any sense to celebrate in union with those who are not the legitimate pope, even if they are recognized as such by the majority. And those who celebrate in union with the legitimate pope certainly cannot be schismatics; rather they can be, in this anomalous situation, unjustly sanctioned or excommunicated.
Let us pray for this heroic priest who is loyal to truth and to the Catholic Religion. By his decision he is risking persecution and the loss of not only his entire salary but room and board.
From the rest of his interview, it is clear that he is very well informed about the current state of the Church and the cause of the problems under which She is being crucified with Her Lord, Jesus Christ.
Don Bernasconi’s profession of truth adds to the growing numbers of clergy world wide who are declaring for Pope Benedict XVI:
Archbishop Lenga, Poland
Bishop Gracida, Texas, USA
Several Bishops in Italy, who are still unnamed
Don Alessandro Minutella, Palermo, Sicily
Don Enrico Roncaglia, Veneto, Italy
Don Francesco D’Erasmo, Tarracina, Italy,
Several priests here at Rome, who are still unnamed
Father Walter Covens, Martinique
Father Paul Kramer, USA

Many other priests, whose names are not yet known to FromRome.Info.…/don-enrico-bern…
Rafał_Ovile shares this
Don Bernasconi’s profession of truth adds to the growing numbers of clergy world wide who are recognizing true Pope Benedict XVI:
Archbishop Lenga, Poland
Bishop Gracida, Texas, USA
Several Bishops in Italy, who are still unnamed
Don Alessandro Minutella, Palermo, Sicily
Don Enrico Roncaglia, Veneto, Italy
Don Francesco D’Erasmo, Tarracina, Italy,
Several priests here at Rome, who are still unnamed …
Don Bernasconi’s profession of truth adds to the growing numbers of clergy world wide who are recognizing true Pope Benedict XVI:
Archbishop Lenga, Poland
Bishop Gracida, Texas, USA
Several Bishops in Italy, who are still unnamed
Don Alessandro Minutella, Palermo, Sicily
Don Enrico Roncaglia, Veneto, Italy
Don Francesco D’Erasmo, Tarracina, Italy,
Several priests here at Rome, who are still unnamed
Father Walter Covens, Martinique
Father Paul Kramer, USA
One more comment from Rafał_Ovile
la verdad prevalece
Don Enrico Bernasconi dichiara che Benedetto XVI è ancora il Papa.
la verdad prevalece
Dom Enrico Bernasconi declara que Bento XVI ainda é o papa.
la verdad prevalece
Don Enrico Bernasconi declara que Benedicto XVI sigue siendo el Papa.
Dr Bobus
Who is he?