
When will Bishops lighten this Cross of today`s English speaking Catholics

source A blog for Dallas area Catholics: If you have the time {especially if you are a religious} PLEASE clink the link for entire article. The suffering people experience in trying to find an orthodox …More
source A blog for Dallas area Catholics:
If you have the time {especially if you are a religious} PLEASE clink the link for entire article.
The suffering people experience in trying to find an orthodox presentation of the Faith is immense……..
especially in this Diocese, which is, strangely enough, somewhat on the liberal side of the spectrum as such things go. Which fact is very odd, considering the overwhelming political (if not cultural, which is so much more critical) conservativism of this area.
A commenter and fellow blogger of this Diocese of Dallas has a post up that describes experiences I think many faithful souls suffer through. Trying to find a parish home that provides the spiritual sustenance many so desperately need can be a very daunting prospect. The vast majority of spiritual “product” out there is unnourishing pablum, as offensive to the aesthetic sense as it is to the sensus fidei, the sense of faith.
This blogger relates her own experience as a protestant convert …More
Prof. Leonard Wessell
If one wants to diet, it costs effort, maybe even a sort of suffering. If a dog is to be trained for this or that, then a, say, painful electro-shock well applied and, boom, the subject has learned new behavior. Good old fashion Paplov here.
I suggest that institutionally "suffering" is being imposed, intentionally or not, upon those wanting to live as "orthodox" Catholics, live out their Faith in a …More
If one wants to diet, it costs effort, maybe even a sort of suffering. If a dog is to be trained for this or that, then a, say, painful electro-shock well applied and, boom, the subject has learned new behavior. Good old fashion Paplov here.

I suggest that institutionally "suffering" is being imposed, intentionally or not, upon those wanting to live as "orthodox" Catholics, live out their Faith in a corresponding liturgical form. What is going on? The Church is being restructured by using a new lex orandi >> lex credendi as reflective of the change. Let us ask ourselves, just what liturgical form is the "orthodox" Catholic seeking with his Latin Mass?

The answer: A form that reflects the HOLY (read sometime R. Otto's classic The Holy), that longs for deep, profound ETERNITY and the bridge between imminence and transcendence (Christ's salvational acts and a liturgical form reflecting them). The Vetus Ordo is not only way to express such longing, just check out Russian Orthodox liturgy and its The Liturgy of St. John Chrisostom -- and that does not change!). BUT, if the Big Bosses of the Catholic Church conceive the telos of their mission to save the world more than than the soul or, better, to make the saving of the world the way of saving the soul, than the Prelates (upto and including the Pope) need liturgically an expressive form, a New Liturgical form, one incarnating the "spirit" of Vat II. Such a "humanized" form must seek a lex orandi proper to focusing the worshiping mind upon virtues of the world, e.g., welcoming, forgiving offenses, helping the poor (probably culturally not understanding of elevated liturgy), "mercy" unto gradualism, positive features of sinful acts, and above all "Feeling Good" (mistakingly called "love"), etc.

If this is true, then the Pope & Co will have a difficult time accepting and affirming the Old Order because it and its liturgical form are too transcendent, resulting in an oppositional clash with the "spirit" of Vat II as it seeks to realize itself in ever nook and cranny of the Church. An exception here and there for the "older" and "old-time" believers, but only on occasion. A well organized liturgical lifestyle, such as the Franciscan Friars, is an outright threat to the universal realization of the NEW! Destroy as an act of "new" love. What does this have to do with the traditional Catholic's "suffering"?

Bring on Paplov, i.e., "suffering" will lead the sufferer to surrender completely to the New (cf. Stockholm Syndrome) OR to being condemned to experience his/her attempts to be Catholic as sort of a "purgatory on earth" >> "suffering" becomes the fundamental tone Church life. A prediction: As a reaction to never-ever ending "suffering" the traditional Catholic might well withdraw from the tortuous situation and form small groups of co-believers (as Pope Benedict talked about). Conclusion: the "suffering" of traditional Catholics is, intentionally or not, a papal & Co Pavlovian way of re-training the "old dogs" of the Church. I predict, based purely upon speculative extrapolation upon signs of unorthodox deviance on the part of many prrelates and lay, that one day the liturgically "suffering" Catholics infused with Orthodoxy will find that not only is the new lex orandi fully UNacceptable, but that the NEW lex credendi has become UNorthodox >>> schism. This just speculation, not necessity.