New Pope should not condemn contraception, says cardinal

Photo ~ Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor

New Pope should not condemn contraception, says cardinal
The new Pope should not condemn contraception, its former leader in England and Wales suggested today as speculation began about the future of the Church following the surprise resignation of Benedict XVI.

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor said that while a radical departure from previous teaching was not likely, it would be “wise” to focus on "what's good and what's true" about marriage and family life instead.

He said that Catholic teaching on sexuality should steer away from saying "we condemn this, we condemn that".

“I think that every Pope will face what needs to be faced and with regard to contraception I think the Pope won’t say the Church has been wrong the whole time. He’ll be saying there are ways…

“I think the Pope will be as every other Pope has, particularly Pope Benedict, understanding that the fundamental teaching on sexuality is concentrated on marriage, on family life.

“I think that the Church would be wise actually to focus on that in her teaching, rather than saying ‘we condemn this, we condemn that, or the other’. No – focus on what’s good and what’s true.”

The cardinal’s views are significant because, while at 80 he is too old to vote in the conclave to elect the next Bishop of Rome, he will take part in its discussions.

@GodsCowboy: Give some examples of what Paul changed, ..what was replaced? What laws were dropped? Don't make statements and not back them up with facts.
If Christ came only for the Jews then why did he send out his Apostles to spread his word? Christ told the Apostles to spread his word through out the whole earth, which would include the gentles. Why would Peter, not Paul, in a vision from Our Lord declaire that all animals that were considered unclean were clean, and thus drop some of the Jewish laws and customs.
Please GodsCowboy get a bible …More
If Christ came only for the Jews then why did he send out his Apostles to spread his word? Christ told the Apostles to spread his word through out the whole earth, which would include the gentles. Why would Peter, not Paul, in a vision from Our Lord declaire that all animals that were considered unclean were clean, and thus drop some of the Jewish laws and customs.

Please GodsCowboy get a bible with all the scriptures and please please please READ IT!
"G.Taylor" Please don't call me a cardinal. I'm a "BELIEVER" like the apostles before Paul changed the beliefs Christ lived by and taught. You have to know and live by the Jewish Laws before you can add Christ's teaching to the Jewish Laws (not replace them). Dropping the Jewish Laws that Christ lived by and taught others to follow is a mistake. If that weren't true why did Christ say he came for …More
"G.Taylor" Please don't call me a cardinal. I'm a "BELIEVER" like the apostles before Paul changed the beliefs Christ lived by and taught. You have to know and live by the Jewish Laws before you can add Christ's teaching to the Jewish Laws (not replace them). Dropping the Jewish Laws that Christ lived by and taught others to follow is a mistake. If that weren't true why did Christ say he came for the Jews and not the gentiles.
Let's just call a spade a spade-if anyone promotes a belief contrary to an official doctrine of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, that one is a heretic.
The position of the Church on artificial contraception (condoms included), is not just a teaching open to debate or discussion-it is a doctrine that must be accepted in order to remain in communion with the Roman Church.
Thanks be to God this this man is too old to vote in the Conclave.
So we have a non-Catholic coming here, on a Catholic website, giving his non-catholic opinions. The devil is quite pleased with him. Maybe we can all say a prayer for his conversion..Seriously! One can imagine his 'opinion' on abortion and homosexuality, etc.
"godscowboy" - you might be mistaken for one of the so called "cardinals".
Anyone promoting condoms is in need of the intercession of the saints the angels - and God's mercy. Do not come her and attack Holy Mother Church with your piffle.
Anyone promoting the use of condoms promotes not only birth control but also thinks they know better than the church. Reality check is needed and surely a conversion.
holyrope 3
"I suggest promoting the use of condoms." ..................................The use of mechanical, chemical, or medical procedures to prevent conception from taking place as a result of sexual intercourse; contraception offends against the openness to procreation required of marriage and also the inner truth of conjugal love. (Catechism -2370). Pope Paul VI in his 'Humanae Vitae'... Talked about …More
"I suggest promoting the use of condoms." ..................................The use of mechanical, chemical, or medical procedures to prevent conception from taking place as a result of sexual intercourse; contraception offends against the openness to procreation required of marriage and also the inner truth of conjugal love. (Catechism -2370). Pope Paul VI in his 'Humanae Vitae'... Talked about the grave consequences fom artificial birth control. He stated that there would be an increased of marital infidelity along with a lowering of moral standards. He also articulated the fact that there would be an increased lack of respect for women, including seeing women as a mere instrument of selfish enjoyment, and no longer as man's respected and beloved companion. He stated that a "dangerous weapon" would be placed in the hands of those public authorities who take no heed of moral exigencies. .............and one would be blind not to realize this is what is happening today and for the last 4 decades.
Only GOD knows the real cost of using contraception. I for one believe it's one of the reasons there are so many birth defects and problems. Contraception medicine like the pill and the morning after pill HAVE TO HAVE some impact on the mother's body. I believe it delays the development of the woman's reproductive organs and poison fully developed organs. Those changes impact the lives and health …More

Only GOD knows the real cost of using contraception. I for one believe it's one of the reasons there are so many birth defects and problems. Contraception medicine like the pill and the morning after pill HAVE TO HAVE some impact on the mother's body. I believe it delays the development of the woman's reproductive organs and poison fully developed organs. Those changes impact the lives and health of any future children they might want to have. So before you use MEDICAL MEANS to control today's unplanned birth think about how important a future healthy birth might be to you. You just might be giving up that option (think about all the people that thought tobacco was safe for years and years).

I suggest promoting the use of condoms. They don't physically changed the body so they are much less likely to have long term problems for the parties invovled. Better yet the woman's reporductive organs will be fully developed and primed to produce a healthy child when the time is right. DON'T MESS WITH THE GIFTS GOD GAVE YOU. NO ONE CAN MAKE THEM BETTER OR EVEN AS GOOD AS THEY WERE WHEN GOD GAVE THEM TO YOU.

This Cardinal clearly has a very different understanding of what it means to be Catholic. God save us from these "shepherds".
Ana Luisa M.R
"The floor of hell is paved with the skulls of bishops." .......... They need to be reminded of this! Do they really care?
On Guard
On Guard — 14/02/2013 12:13:23:
The Holy Roman Catholic Church does NOT need any advice from cardinals "in line". At this point, why can't we just stop speculating and guessing and stammering..... Let us all have "muzzles" 'till after the election. The new Pope does not need our advice... He has an "Advisor" far more qualified than any of us.
All we should do at this point is Pray.....Pray.....Pray …More
On Guard — 14/02/2013 12:13:23:
The Holy Roman Catholic Church does NOT need any advice from cardinals "in line". At this point, why can't we just stop speculating and guessing and stammering..... Let us all have "muzzles" 'till after the election. The new Pope does not need our advice... He has an "Advisor" far more qualified than any of us.

All we should do at this point is Pray.....Pray.....Pray..... and be silent!

We can't "listen" and "talk" at the same time. 🙏
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
“The floor of hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.”
Attributed to St. Athanasius, St. John Chrysostom, and St. John Eudes. Probably all three said it, but I like to give credit to Athanasius because he was the earliest.
This Cardinal is something of a religious lefty whose theology has been reliably questioned in the past …More

“The floor of hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.”

Attributed to St. Athanasius, St. John Chrysostom, and St. John Eudes. Probably all three said it, but I like to give credit to Athanasius because he was the earliest.

This Cardinal is something of a religious lefty whose theology has been reliably questioned in the past especially relating to contraception.

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor has invoked Canon Law to justify banning Archbishop Raymond Burke, a senior Vatican prelate, from saying the traditional Latin Mass at Westminster Cathedral in June 2009.

The Telegraph
