CNN vs. The Catholic Church

CNN vs. The Catholic Church

CNN has an editorial called "Why next pope must open up church and usher in Vatican III" prominently featured on its website. It rails against the Catholic Church and advises the Church that it must "modernize" or perish.

CNN giving the Catholic Church advice on pretty much anything is like the wonder twins while in the shape of a dove and a birthday cake giving Batman advice on how to be more menacing. No, it's like Justin Bieber re-mixing Mozart to make it better by adding a rap verse about junior high school heartbreak.

If you're wondering how seriously Catholics should take the advice of CNN. Let's compare the two institutions:

Read more:…/cnn-vs.-the-cat…
CNN is one of those who wants to destroy the Catholic Church. 😡
Communist News Network...true!
I am not surprised. I live in Taiwan and the only alternate news outlet in English is CNN international... If you have never seen it is a network that truly represents its call letters of being the Communist News Network....
✍️ So many catholic's have such a infantile understanding of the faith and church! They think that what the church has taught for centuries is some how arbitrary and that they need only form a committee and change the truth. "Stupid" nuns think the church will allow woman's ordination to the priesthood. The Magisterium can clarify doctrine it cannot make up new doctrine. It hands on what it has …More
✍️ So many catholic's have such a infantile understanding of the faith and church! They think that what the church has taught for centuries is some how arbitrary and that they need only form a committee and change the truth. "Stupid" nuns think the church will allow woman's ordination to the priesthood. The Magisterium can clarify doctrine it cannot make up new doctrine. It hands on what it has received from Christ.
I never watch CNN! 😡
CNN is nothing more than a liberal Marxist outlet that spreads its poison to its viewers.
On Guard
The Holy Roman Catholic Church does NOT need any advice from CNN. At this point, why can't we just stop speculating and guessing and stammering..... Let us all have "muzzles" 'till after the election. The new Pope does not need our advice... He has an "Advisor" far more qualified than any of++++++++++++++++ us.
All we should do at this point is Pray.....Pray.....Pray..... and be silent!
We can't …More
The Holy Roman Catholic Church does NOT need any advice from CNN. At this point, why can't we just stop speculating and guessing and stammering..... Let us all have "muzzles" 'till after the election. The new Pope does not need our advice... He has an "Advisor" far more qualified than any of++++++++++++++++ us.

All we should do at this point is Pray.....Pray.....Pray..... and be silent!

We can't "listen" and "talk" at the same time. 🙏
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
It is going to be fascinating to watch the reaction of the average American Catholic to the next pope. Over and over again over the past few days I’ve read comments from self-identified Catholics who are certain the next pope will be “reasonable,” and will approve the use of contraceptives and the ordination of women and married men. (Interestingly, I’ve seen no mention of allowing …More

It is going to be fascinating to watch the reaction of the average American Catholic to the next pope. Over and over again over the past few days I’ve read comments from self-identified Catholics who are certain the next pope will be “reasonable,” and will approve the use of contraceptives and the ordination of women and married men. (Interestingly, I’ve seen no mention of allowing remarriage after divorce. I can only assume that among those who care about church approval, the speedy and generous granting of annulments is meeting demand.) I’m sure the commenters have no knowledge of the theology behind the prohibitions, and no interest in investigating it.

For years I’ve been wondering when it’s going to dawn on cafeteria Catholics that after John XXII the church doubled down on its less popular doctrines, and cannot now walk it back without considerable loss of credibility. Perhaps the election of yet another conservative pope will provide them with a clue, but perhaps they will continue to refuse to acknowledge the reality of the church as an institution.

My opinion as to why the Catholic Church is being attacked by many in the media is because it is the oldest Christian denomination and if they can run-down the CC, then all the rest of the Christian churches will follow. We have a secular society and they do all they can to put down religion every day.

As to Pope Benedict….I channel between CNN and Fox….CNN hardly mentions the Popes decision, while Fox News has been gracious about the Pope stepping down, one commentator being at the Vatican presently.