Carmelite Nuns of the Holy Face. O.Carm in Rep. of Ireland, talks with Niall McConnell on the Crisis in the Church Today
Jody Finn
Bless the Carmelite nuns for speaking truths! I would add that Calvary Chapel Protestants in America is one of the few remaining denominations that teach end times prophecy which is 1/3 of the Bible. We believe in a Pretribulation rapture and the Second Coming of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ “Yeshua”. Catholics & Protestants need to set aside their doctrinal differences and unite as the bride of …More
Bless the Carmelite nuns for speaking truths! I would add that Calvary Chapel Protestants in America is one of the few remaining denominations that teach end times prophecy which is 1/3 of the Bible. We believe in a Pretribulation rapture and the Second Coming of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ “Yeshua”. Catholics & Protestants need to set aside their doctrinal differences and unite as the bride of Christ. We believe in the blessed trinity. The Great Tribulation will not occur until the restrainer is lifted and the Bride safely removed from God’s pending wrath. Pope Francis is a False Prophet! Re-examine the Roman Catholic Church’s Preterist views for fallacies. Where is the Blessed Hope if we must all endure the Great Tribulation? It did not all take place in 70 AD! The Book of Revelation has not yet been fulfilled! As a Calvinist Christian, I viewed the Carmelite nuns’ warnings & Fatima predictions with an open mind. Many Calvinists in America also believe the lightning bolt displayed over the Vatican in 2013 is a warning sign from God as was the Great Eclipse in America in 2017. God’s Final Judgment is coming. Be watchful and pray you are worthy to escape it. Read Matthew 24 and Luke 16 along with Titus 2:13 concerning our “Blessed Hope”.
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Crisis in the Church. Carmelite Nuns of the Holy Face. O.Carm. Ireland, talk with Niall McConnell