
Jedná se o fialovou planetu Atu...

v blízkosti, podle Samuela Hofmana. Každá planeta v soustavě 8 planet Nibiru má charakteristiky, které k ní specificky patří, včetně ..barvy, pohybu, mraků, povrchu, povětrnostních vlivů atd. Jak budete studovat jednotlivé planety, budete se s tím blíže seznamovat.

Signature Effects of the planet NAPISITI' 🤔 🎯 👇
1. Vertical Striped Effect
2. Tilted Base
*NAPISITI' is 1 of the 8 planets from our
"TWIN SOLAR SYSTEM" that is currently HERE (been here since 2009) and is passing CLOSE by earth DAILY...(passing by just outside earths atmosphere)
Zdroj: facebook.com/photo/?fbid=337408496001215&set=pcb.72844331182612Více
Signature Effects of the planet NAPISITI' 🤔 🎯 👇

1. Vertical Striped Effect
2. Tilted Base

*NAPISITI' is 1 of the 8 planets from our
"TWIN SOLAR SYSTEM" that is currently HERE (been here since 2009) and is passing CLOSE by earth DAILY...(passing by just outside earths atmosphere)

Zdroj: facebook.com/photo/?fbid=337408496001215&set=pcb.72844331182612