
Africa Forced into Climate Suicide

The International Monetary Fund, a financial instrument dominated by the Western regimes, won't give loans to African countries if they use fossil fuels, forcing them to use inefficient solar and wind power. Wind turbines consume more energy than they produce, and expensive solar panels last about ten years (Expose-News.com, June 3). No wonder, these countries see BRICS as their future.

Picture: © International Monetary Fund CC BY-NC-ND, #newsPdpctvagca

English Catholic
The white woman in the photograph - Christine Lagarde - formerly Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund
- was found guilty in court of criminal negligence in 2016, and then was subsequently made President of the European Central Bank. You couldn't make it up: IMF chief Christine Lagarde found guilty of negligence Needless to say, she is a trustee of the World Economic Forum Christine …More
The white woman in the photograph - Christine Lagarde - formerly Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund
- was found guilty in court of criminal negligence in 2016, and then was subsequently made President of the European Central Bank. You couldn't make it up: IMF chief Christine Lagarde found guilty of negligence Needless to say, she is a trustee of the World Economic Forum Christine Lagarde - Wikipedia
English Catholic
@Seabass Sorry, I don't catch your drift . . . ?
After viewing some images on lline of Christine Lagarde, I think actual gender may be in question.
English Catholic
@Just me No, it's still in common usage in England!