
Poverty-Preacher Francis Runs Out of Money, Seeks Refuge with Money-Cardinal Marx

Pope Francis’ South American carelessness is not only ruining the Church but also the Vatican's finances.

Francis has tragically failed to clean up the budget of the Holy See, although this was one of the tasks his electors wanted him to accomplish.

Now, the house is burning. The deficit of the Vatican doubled in 2018 to 70 million euros on a budget of 300 million.

The Vatican has too many, 5000, employees, unnecessary contracts, an oversized fleet of cars, a poor management of the real estate, and extra expenses like paying 550,000 euros for setting up the Christmas crib in St. Peter's Square.

The Wall Street Journal (September 3) writes, that Francis asked Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx, the Coordinator of the Vatican’s Council for the Economy, in a May letter for quick counter-measures. Marx called an extraordinary September 20 meeting to address the problem.

There is another difficulty: Modernists like Francis are good in receiving applause from the world, but they alienate the simple, faithful Catholics who donate to the Church.

Perhaps this is how God will move the hearts of money-minded cardinals. Now they have a reason to finally oust the fiend. Not out of piety but just plain old-fashioned greed. To them, the Church is a business and Francis is bad for business.
No surprises a Marxist is financially inept. Maduro's Venezuela, anyone? As English Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher famously said, "the problem with socialism …More
Perhaps this is how God will move the hearts of money-minded cardinals. Now they have a reason to finally oust the fiend. Not out of piety but just plain old-fashioned greed. To them, the Church is a business and Francis is bad for business.

No surprises a Marxist is financially inept. Maduro's Venezuela, anyone? As English Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher famously said, "the problem with socialism is eventually you run out other people's money"
Homoheretics = financial corruption = apostasy
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle