St. Januarius’ blood liquifies for first time in 2022 videoinformazioninews Rome Newsroom, May 3, 2022 / 08:10 am (CNA). For the first time in three years, Catholics held a solemn procession through …More
St. Januarius’ blood liquifies for first time in 2022 videoinformazioninews
Rome Newsroom, May 3, 2022 / 08:10 am (CNA).
For the first time in three years, Catholics held a solemn procession through the streets of Naples on the first weekend of May after the blood of St. Januarius was found liquefied.
Archbishop Domenico Battaglia of Naples opened the safe holding the relic of St. Januarius’ blood in Naples Cathedral on April 30 and found that the blood had already liquefied.
The reputed miracle usually occurs up to three times a year when the archbishop holds up and rotates the ampoules containing blood, revealing that the dried blood has liquified.
In Neapolitan lore, the failure of the blood to liquefy signals war, famine, disease, or other disaster.
Local Catholics gathered at the cathedral after 5 p.m. on April 30 and exclaimed: “The miracle has happened!”
A bust of St. Januarius and the ampoules holding the saint’s blood were then carried in a traditional procession through the …More