
US Bishops on Marriage Decision: ‘A Tragic Error’

In an official statement, Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, called today's Supreme Court ruling ‘profoundly immoral and unjust.’

WASHINGTON — Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Ky., president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has released the following statement regarding today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex civil marriage nationally:
Regardless of what a narrow majority of the Supreme Court may declare at this moment in history, the nature of the human person and marriage remains unchanged and unchangeable. Just as Roe v. Wade did not settle the question of abortion over 40 years ago, Obergefell v. Hodges does not settle the question of marriage today. Neither decision is rooted in the truth, and as a result, both will eventually fail. Today, the court is wrong again. It is profoundly immoral and unjust for the government to declare that two people of the same sex can constitute a marriage.
On Guard
Where were these worthless clerics before this particular vote??
Noticias en Español
😡 Why they not excommunicate Joe Biden who is celebrating the gay " victory" and Nancy Pelosi and the ("catholics") judges responsible for this atrocity????. 🤦
What more evidence is needed.???
But Bergoglio also allowed them to receive the Holy communion in his installation "Mass" without even saying a Word. 😡…/joe-biden-celeb……More
😡 Why they not excommunicate Joe Biden who is celebrating the gay " victory" and Nancy Pelosi and the ("catholics") judges responsible for this atrocity????. 🤦
What more evidence is needed.???
But Bergoglio also allowed them to receive the Holy communion in his installation "Mass" without even saying a Word. 😡…/joe-biden-celeb……
The USCCB always tries to rally the troops after the horse has left the barn. It appears that they are just too timid to take a Catholic position on anything. Very weak men! Think about it for a moment these men are our leaders! May God have mercy on us.
The USCCB always tries to rally the troops after the horse has left the barn. It appears that they are just too timid to take a Catholic position on anything. Very weak men! Think about it for a moment these men are our leaders! May God have mercy on us.

Finally the Unites States Conference of Catholic bishops spoke with courage despite their tendency to speak ambiguously. But even if they are being good in this matter,today liberal and modernist church and bishops,beginning with Francisco himself,their are giving permanently confuse,untrue and ambiguous answers on this matter of homosexuality that today we are unable to understand what the church …More
Finally the Unites States Conference of Catholic bishops spoke with courage despite their tendency to speak ambiguously. But even if they are being good in this matter,today liberal and modernist church and bishops,beginning with Francisco himself,their are giving permanently confuse,untrue and ambiguous answers on this matter of homosexuality that today we are unable to understand what the church really thinks on this and on other matters as well. And why I'm saying this ? Because for example the "Cardinal-Archbishop" of New York scandalized to the whole archdiocese and nation with His SUPPORT of the gay ,lesbian,transgender and travestis in the catholic parade in honor of a great holy man as the patron of Ireland Saint Patrick on his feast,march 17. This is a perversion of a catholic bishop to accept this and worst happily,proudly,"because none is discriminated any more to participate". This is Shameful !!!!! And now they are condemning the approval of same sex marriage by the atheist,depraved,masonic and immoral Supreme Court of The United States. This is always the contradictory and ambiguous prelates of the also relativistic,liberal and in many cases also masonic hierarchy of the Catholic Church,sadly to say after the second Vatican Council.
Another tragic example of this was the attitude of the catholic bishop of Ireland during the recent approval of same sex marriage law,especially of the Archbishop of Dublin who scandalously affirmed that the church couldn't influence in the consciences of the people to tell them to vote NO in the Referendum,that they under the light of their consciences should decide what to vote. What is the roll of the church in the world since the church cannot teach the faithful about true and error anymore and then to illuminate the consciences with the light of Christ ? And last and finally,this one, the culmination of any abomination, the pope himself giving the bad example,receiving in audiences,in the same Vatican to a spanish transgender and also an Italian gay couples. What it is the message this so call "pope" want to give ? Inconceivable !!!!! And after all they want to stand and take position about the Supreme Court of the United States and his immoral and degenerated President Barak Obama who openly scandalized with his statement of strong support,but of him we cannot expect a different attitude but of an enemy of God and His Divine Law,and of the Doctrine of the Holy Church and of the natural Human Law
Leonard Wessell
What a week response compared to the one below given by Vox Cantoris. As Michael Voris claims, the Catholic Church, particularly the bisohps, have become the Church of Nice. The US Bishops are no "cristeros". Mass murder abounds as abortion. Nicely formulated objections, so nice! Marriage (defined by 8 dictionaries in 3 languages consulted today by me) means the community established between one …More
What a week response compared to the one below given by Vox Cantoris. As Michael Voris claims, the Catholic Church, particularly the bisohps, have become the Church of Nice. The US Bishops are no "cristeros". Mass murder abounds as abortion. Nicely formulated objections, so nice! Marriage (defined by 8 dictionaries in 3 languages consulted today by me) means the community established between one man and one woman, in some cases the procreation of children is mentioned. In the case of Islam, 4 wives are allowed for a man if, and only if, he can take care of them (not four men for a man) and a defining feature is children. In the US as in Canada and other countries, two people man/man, woman/woman and (unmarried) man/(unmarried) woman can make contractual agreement that cover all the problems that arises when, say, death interrupts a relationship (with or without sexual cohabation). The point of " tay marriage" is to break down the familial function of marriage preparatory to the instituitionalization of PANsexualism (i.e., any form of sexual consenting sexual relation is not only to be tolerated, but to be accepted and, indeed, affirmed, i.e., no social stain atttached). The US bishops remain blind at this point to the implications. I will spell one.

Step 1. Whereas a private religious college can reüresemt a theology that holds to blacks to be in some God determinedway secondary and, therefore open to some discrimination, said college can receive no federal monies or any tax breaks. That college is the Bob Jones University which does descrimiate against blacks (allows black attendance) and flourishes solely on private donations and tuition. (The curriculum I saw years ago certainly places the uni. nominally on a level equal to any Catholic uni. I have seen.)

Step 2. Homosexual marriage acording to SCOTUS constitues a discrimiaton of the human dignity of the same-sex partners seeking marital union. Now, homosexual marriage is now constitutionally seen as a derivative of human dignity. If the human dignity of blacks blocks any gov. aid, then the theology of Catholic colleges/uni.s should logically be viewed as perfectly analogous to discrimiation against black dignity. Ergo, Catholic schools and colleges should logically loose any gov. aid.

Note: I am only touching on the problem, nevertheless a part so far not discussed. Catholic colleges have dorms for heterosexual couples in marriage, not for homosexual couples. So, if two Catholic males are legally married, how can a Catholic uni. deny access to dorms for homosexual marriages or even integration with heterosexual marriages. But, such a point touches only the edge of what is coming. And that would be? As in the case of Bob Jones University, THEOLOGY, viz., belief in its cognitive aspects is the offensive factor. In other words, the very teachings of Catholicism (Orthodoxy and most conservative Protestant churches) is by its nature NOW a doctrine that justifies the denigration of the "human dignit" of homosexuals re marriage as one the doctrine that black/white marriage is morally wrong (which I think is the position of the Bob Jones University). Catholicism in its fundamental beliefs will have to be seen as unconstitutional re the public life of Catholic living.