
No man can serve two masters

No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. St Matthew 6:24
Unfortunately, some of his earliest teachers convinced young Jorge Bergoglio that God is an all-knowing father-figure... with long white hair... a huge flowing beard... named Karl Marx.
Popes come and go and the Church is bigger than Bergoglio.
Quite true. Interestingly, I pointed this out elsewhere just half an hour ago: (quoting the article) "In an absolute monarchy, unfortunately, what can be done?" -- Same thing that's always been done. Wait the monarch out.
Crucifix God -hammer and sickle mammon -
Our Lady of Sorrows
Catholics ask UK bishops to stop supporting pro-abortion, pro-gay sex ed
Please inform parents what these evil Bishops and Teachers are doing