Vicki Polin at Winfrey Oprah Show. Vicki Polin talks about her jewish satanic ritual abuse upbringing. This was filmed in 1989. This is more evidence that there is such a thing as satanic ritual abuse …More
Vicki Polin at Winfrey Oprah Show.

Vicki Polin talks about her jewish satanic ritual abuse upbringing. This was filmed in 1989. This is more evidence that there is such a thing as satanic ritual abuse used to create DID, something the CIA has been doing for decades.

Vicki is currently the Executive Director of The Awareness Center, a Baltimore area sexual abuse help center.
Only speculation and old news ,Jose Manuel Durao Barroso ,was ,not is the presidente of the European commission . I have read a book about the disapearance of Madeleine MaCann,written by the Chief Police investigator ,that was fired later in the investigation for telling that the parents are the ones involved on the possible death of the little girl . the Brittish police also sent their postmorten …More
Only speculation and old news ,Jose Manuel Durao Barroso ,was ,not is the presidente of the European commission . I have read a book about the disapearance of Madeleine MaCann,written by the Chief Police investigator ,that was fired later in the investigation for telling that the parents are the ones involved on the possible death of the little girl . the Brittish police also sent their postmorten dogs that smell the scent of death ,and they found it in the car rented by her parents and the bedroom where the little girl slept .So far after millions been spent and so many searchs including British Police the girl have not been found , .God please take care of this little girl ,i hope she is still alive , but after 11 years ??
It was reported on 7th August that the Metropolitan Police (London)
have confirmed in an email that Madeleine McCann, aged 5, who was
snatched on 3rd May 2007 in Praia de Luz, Portugal, as widely
rehearsed in the media, was abducted to the order of a paedophile
organisation based in Belgium. We have been informed that the way
this …
It was reported on 7th August that the Metropolitan Police (London)
have confirmed in an email that Madeleine McCann, aged 5, who was
snatched on 3rd May 2007 in Praia de Luz, Portugal, as widely
rehearsed in the media, was abducted to the order of a paedophile
organisation based in Belgium. We have been informed that the way
this depraved activity operates is that the ’client‘ is sent three
photographs of children, and chooses one of them, who is then
provided, to meet his depraved requirements. The individual who
selected little Madeleine McCann is a very senior official of the
European Commission in Brussels. His name has been reported to this
service [see below].

• LATE INSERTION: The Editor had intended to WITHHOLD the identity
of the senior EC official concerned. However, in the light of
the ‘triple gunshot threat voicemail‘ referenced above, and given
that in these cricumstances, the lapse of time between the threat
and the exposure must be minimised, we have been forced to reveal
the top European Commission official concerned.

His hereby shamed name is Jose Manuel Barroso, the President of the
European Commission.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Madeleine McCann held on private orders of José Manuel Durão Barroso

Page update: 20.02.10

Madeleine McCann is being held captive on the personal and private orders of José Manuel Durão Barroso.

A seemingly decisive breakthrough in the case of Madeleine McCann was made in September 2008 with new revelations published by the English investigative reporter, Christopher Story. Following the receipt of several death-threats, in particular one at lunchtime on Thursday 18th September 2008, Story released details and named names.

Behind the abduction of four-year-old Madeleine McCann from the Ocean Club Resort, Praia da Luz, Portugal, on Thursday 3rd May 2007, was a shadowy German organisation called the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD) and the Portuguese politician José Manuel Durão Barroso, the 12th President of the European Commission.

According to Christopher Story, the DVD, based at Dachau, near Munich, has been extensively involved in paedophile child abduction operations for many years, both in Europe and abroad. Selected children are kidnapped, degraded for perverse purposes, filmed and murdered in the production of snuff movies for the international child pornography trade. Senior politicians in several countries are clients and agents of the DVD.

It was reported on Thursday 7th August 2008 that the Metropolitan Police (London) confirmed in an email that Madeleine McCann was abducted on the orders of a paedophile organisation based in Belgium and controlled by the DVD for the European Commission.

The DVD's procedure is that an adult client is sent three photographs of children and chooses one of them.
The selected victim is then abducted to meet the client's sexual requirements. After a photographer had taken pictures of various children at the Ocean Club Resort, Praia da Luz, three pictures were given to José Manuel Durão Barroso. He chose Madeleine McCann, an English girl from Rothley in Leicestershire. (...) "
José Manuel Durão Barroso?