Gay Marriage and Freedom

Gay Marriage and Freedom Americans today are heedlessly pursuing a vision of freedom that is short-lived and suicidal. Once again, freedom without virtue, leadership without character, business without …More
Gay Marriage and Freedom
Americans today are heedlessly pursuing a vision of freedom that is short-lived and suicidal. Once again, freedom without virtue, leadership without character, business without trust, law without customs, education without meaning and medicine, science and technology without human considerations can end only in disaster.
Freedom without virtue isn't freedom. It will eventually destroy a society. Freedom without morality. Freedom without proper constraints and restraints. Freedom without an accompanying sense of responsibility. Freedom without a spine or a spinal cord of morality. We're not talking freedom. But in today's modern vernacular, we are. To young people today, that's exactly what freedom is.
Freedom is hedonism. Freedom is your sybaritic pursuits. You do whatever you want, and as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else, there's nothing wrong with it. And it's the "as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else," that's where the trouble begins. Because is there …More
ditto news sentiments exactly i just can't talk that fast.
Good post, News Brief.