SAJID U-TURN THEATRE SHOW / Hugo Talks - The UK government is looking to reform human rights legislation after our divorce with the EU. They want to replace the Human Rights Act with a modern Bill of …More
SAJID U-TURN THEATRE SHOW / Hugo Talks - The UK government is looking to reform human rights legislation after our divorce with the EU. They want to replace the Human Rights Act with a modern Bill of Rights, “one which reinforces our freedoms under the rule of law, but also provides a clearer demarcation of the separation of powers between the courts and Parliament”. In December they produced a document (Human Rights Act Reform: A Modern Bill of Rights) - a consultation to reform the Human Rights Act 1998. I am all for reform, if it is done for the right reasons and in the right way, but there are some worrying parts of the document which I will go through below. All emphasis is my own.
Read it here: The proposed removal of Human Rights in the UK for the Greater Good.
Sources: SAJID U-TURN THEATRE SHOW / Hugo Talks #lockown - SAJID U-TURN THEATRE SHOW / Hugo Talks #lockown - The proposed removal of Human Rights in the UK for the Greater Good - hugotalks.com
For more information: 1. …More
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