Don Reto Nay
Notre Dame Priory Foundation Mass. On the Feast of the Chair of St Peter (February 22, 2017), exactly thirty-five years after the founding of the Abbey of St Joseph in Flavigny in France, Fr Pius Noonan …More
Notre Dame Priory Foundation Mass.

On the Feast of the Chair of St Peter (February 22, 2017), exactly thirty-five years after the founding of the Abbey of St Joseph in Flavigny in France, Fr Pius Noonan of the same abbey celebrated the Solemn Mass of Inauguration of Notre Dame Priory in the Pugin-designed St Patrick’s Church in Colebrook, Tasmania. He was assisted by Frs Terence Mary McNaughtin and Glen Tattersall, and the homily was delivered by His Grace, Archbishop Julian Porteous. In addition to the Priory’s five candidates, numerous priests and religious were also in attendance. The music was generously provided by the Australian Sacred Music Association (sacredmusic.org.au), and the Mass proved so popular with visitors from both within Tasmania and interstate that it was standing room only. For more information about this new monastic foundation, please visit notredamemonastery.org.