German journalist condemned as anti-Semite

German journalist (Der Spiegel) condemned as anti-Semite The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Los Angeles-based human rights organization, has placed German journalist Jakob Augstein on a list of top ten …More
German journalist (Der Spiegel) condemned as anti-Semite
The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Los Angeles-based human rights organization, has placed German journalist Jakob Augstein on a list of top ten anti-Semites in the world. Many are puzzled in Germany.
It's not always an honor to be placed on an end-of-year top ten list. For German journalist and publisher Jakob Augstein, his position at number nine of the world's ten worst anti-Semites in 2012 has prompted outrage, incomprehension and a wave of allegations in Germany.
It puts him in a league with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, which tops the list, and the Iranian regime. The list was compiled and published at the end of December by the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC), a Holocaust history museum and human rights organization.
The SWC bases its accusation against Augstein on five quotes. They are all extracts from opinion columns he writes for the online site of Der Spiegel, a German news weekly. In his columns, the journalist criticized …More
The Truth will set you Free! This is news that more people should know about!
Well the German Der Spiegel made the top ten in something.. :) And numero uno for the Top Heretical bishops who allow the killing on unborn children. Repent, before its too late!