
Swiss bishops confirm existence of Cardinal Danneels’ ‘mafia’ against Benedict XVI

While correcting local media reports, the Swiss bishops today confirmed the existence of the so-called “mafia” of bishops that aimed to counter the influence of Cardinal Ratzinger during the pontificate of John Paul II.
The confirmation came amid intense discussion in Switzerland about the question of the now well-known group of cardinals, called the “St. Gallen Group,” about which Cardinal Godfried Danneels recently made some disturbing, even embarrassing revelations.

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Dr. John Smythe
I am glad that Gloria TV has the courage and dedication to allow such true news stories to be published here.
Dr Bobus
It's hardly surprising that Papa Ratzinger was opposed by a group of bishops who either engineered the destruction of Catholic
Life or celebrated the ruins (empty seminaries/religious houses, abortion, homosexuality).