Study: Children fare better in traditional mom-dad families

Photo ~ In this 2011 family photo, lesbian couple Giuseppina La Delfa (left) and Raphaelle Hoedts (right) celebrate the eighth birthday of their daughter, Lisa-Marie, in Naples, Italy. (Associated …More
Photo ~ In this 2011 family photo, lesbian couple Giuseppina La Delfa (left) and Raphaelle Hoedts (right) celebrate the eighth birthday of their daughter, Lisa-Marie, in Naples, Italy. (Associated Press)
Study: Children fare better in traditional mom-dad families
Two studies released Sunday may act like brakes on popular social-science assertions that gay parents are the same as — or maybe better than — married, mother-father parents.
“The empirical claim that no notable differences exist must go,” Mark Regnerus, a sociology professor at the University of Texas at Austin, said in his study in Social Science Research.
Using a new, “gold standard” data set of nearly 3,000 randomly selected American young adults, Mr. Regnerus looked at their lives on 40 measures of social, emotional and relationship outcomes.
He found that, when compared with adults raised in married, mother-father families, adults raised by lesbian mothers had negative outcomes in 24 of 40 categories, while adults …More
I'm pleased to see this study. In my university classes, we have discussed similar outcomes for children being raised in single parent households. Many students are unwilling to accept scientific reseach in lieu of the accepted social norms. The textbooks are often similarly single-minded.
It might not show there is a difference today, but 20 years from now they would see the difference.
It might not show there is a difference today, but 20 years from now they would see the difference.

Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Comments from FR:
This study’s finding won’t be allowed to stand. The study authors will be attacked, discredited and transformed into homophobes.
How many of these studies have to be done before we can all just admit that a Mom and Dad, married, raising their own children, is the best situation for the child?
Comments from FR:

This study’s finding won’t be allowed to stand. The study authors will be attacked, discredited and transformed into homophobes.

How many of these studies have to be done before we can all just admit that a Mom and Dad, married, raising their own children, is the best situation for the child?

Sadly, with today's media, we do need something like this to be printed.

This goes along with the study that showed children do better when raised by stay at home mothers. It’s strange we live in a society where is the obvious is so scorned.

Before we know it, both Father’s Day and Mother’s Day are bound to be criminalized.