Gay activist Víctor Manuel Fernández on Sodoma Supplicans whitewash disunity

Gay activist Víctor Manuel Fernández on Sodoma Supplicans: "Bishops can decide for themselves". Bergoglio's Homosexual Subversion Already Began in Buenos AiresMore
Gay activist Víctor Manuel Fernández on Sodoma Supplicans: "Bishops can decide for themselves".
Bergoglio's Homosexual Subversion Already Began in Buenos Aires
True Mass
This gay activist is now in control of the doctrine of faith. That's Novus Ordo. That's v2 chickens come home to roost. Dump V2 and all the trash that comes with it. Long Live Archbishop Vigano. A Novus Ordo Bishop who has clearly seen the truth and has converted back to the One True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Roman Missal 1955.
la verdad prevalece
Exactly. The apostles left us the deposit of faith as a map to reach Eternal Life. And the Council of Trent declared the Tridentine Mass as the Official Mass of the Church until the end of Time.
The heresies of Vatican II contained in Nostra Aetate and Lumen Gentium demonstrate that the Novus Ordo does not seek the conversion of souls and misleads people. The result is that it has led modernists …More
Exactly. The apostles left us the deposit of faith as a map to reach Eternal Life. And the Council of Trent declared the Tridentine Mass as the Official Mass of the Church until the end of Time.
The heresies of Vatican II contained in Nostra Aetate and Lumen Gentium demonstrate that the Novus Ordo does not seek the conversion of souls and misleads people. The result is that it has led modernists to the total loss of Faith. And it has opened the door to the Bergoglio's apostasy that has dealt the last blow to the Catholic Church and has broken the only thread of "continuity" that was claimed to exist. And now Bergoglio is leading people to eternal damnation.
la verdad prevalece
Il cardinale Velasio de Paolis ha definito schizofrenico questo pseudo-pastoralismo anticattolico di questo pseudo-papato bipolare che contraddice i Comandamenti di Dio e la Morale cattolica. Müller ha definito una “dicotomia” la ribellione di Bergoglio contro le leggi di Dio e contro la moralità cattolica.
"L'insegnamento di Bergoglio è parallelo a quello delle Nazioni Unite."
la verdad prevalece
El Cardenal Velasio de Paolis llamó patología esquizofrénica a esta pseudopastoral anticatólica de este seudopapado bipolar que contradice los Mandamientos de Dios y la Moral católica. Müller calificó la rebelión de Bergoglio contra las leyes de Dios y contra la moral católica como una "dicotomía".
"El magisterio de Bergoglio es paralelo al ("magisterio") de las Naciones Unidas".
Roberto de …More
El Cardenal Velasio de Paolis llamó patología esquizofrénica a esta pseudopastoral anticatólica de este seudopapado bipolar que contradice los Mandamientos de Dios y la Moral católica. Müller calificó la rebelión de Bergoglio contra las leyes de Dios y contra la moral católica como una "dicotomía".

"El magisterio de Bergoglio es paralelo al ("magisterio") de las Naciones Unidas".

Roberto de Mattei

La pastoral se funda precisamente en la doctrina dogmática y moral. «¡No puede haber una pastoral en desacuerdo con las verdades y la moral de la Iglesia, en conflicto con sus leyes y que no esté orientada a alcanzar el idea de la vida cristiana!», declaró el cardenal Velasio de Paolis en su alocución al Tribunal Eclesiástico de Umbría el 27 de marzo de 2014. Para el cardenal Sarah, la idea de separar el Magisterio de la praxis pastoral, que podría evolucionar según las circunstancias, modos y pasiones, «es una forma de herejía, una peligrosa patología esquizofrénica» (La Stampa, 24 de febrero de 2015).
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio and his accomplice Tucho had already put into practice the apostate Sodom Supplicans in Argentina. Which shows that this pair of accomplices has been automatically self- excommunicated for a long time. And along with them their accomplices who blindly follow them in their rebellion against God and against the Church.
la verdad prevalece
The coexistence of a Parallel pseudo-magisterium, to promote sodomy and adultery, causes both those who join Bergoglio in the Heresy to become apostates as well as those who support Bergoglio in his rebellion against God and against the Church. The Magisterium of the Church has dictated Ipso Facto excommunication for all those who collaborate with heretics.
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