
A Pope According to Freemasonry

First let me say you have a terrific website.

I have been reading The Destruction of Christian Tradition by Rama Coomaraswamy. In his book he has printed part of a secret letter Alta Vendita [the High Lodge] put out by the Freemasons. His footnote states that this letter can be found in Chapter I vol. II, of The Biographical Memoirs of St. John Bosco, under the title of "Freemasonry in the Piedmont" (Silesiana Publishers: New Rochelle, N.Y. 1967).

He states that Pope Pius IX was given this letter and he published it around 1819-1820, to warn everyone about the intentions of the Freemasons. I would hope that you could gain access to this letter and put it on you website. Here are some of the excerpts from Alta Vendita and reprinted in The Destruction of Christian Tradition, page 127:

"The Papacy has always excerted a decisive influence on Italian destinies ... our ultimate purpose is the total annihilation of Catholicism and even Christianity ... the secret societies must take the first step toward the Church and the Pope, for the purpose of vanquishing them both .... The task we undertake will not be completed in a day, month or a year, it may require perhaps even a century ...

"What we must do is wait for a Pope suitable for our purposes ... With such a Pope we could crush the rock upon which God built His Church ...

"We must produce an entire generation worthy of the kingdom we hope for ... We must seek the young .... Once your good reputation has been established in high schools, universities, and seminaries ... the younger secular and the religious will be receptive to our doctrines ... within a few years some will be called upon to elect a future Pope ...

full textversion

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