APOSTACY in the CHURCH: Waking the Sleeping Christ. In this week’s Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father tackles the question of Christ sleeping in the boat during a terrible storm on the Sea of …More
APOSTACY in the CHURCH: Waking the Sleeping Christ.

In this week’s Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father tackles the question of Christ sleeping in the boat during a terrible storm on the Sea of Galilee. He compares the panic-stricken apostles in the boat to us, today--Catholics who can only survive the storm by appealing to Jesus Christ to save them. Father then turns our attention to the Modernists in the Church today who have rejected Christ but who nevertheless refuse to leave the Ark. He encourages us to stay in the Church and wait for Christ to save His Church, calm the storm, expel the apostate and rescue the 'remnant' of believers who have remained with Him despite the terrible storm. Want more Remnant TV? Please support our efforts here: remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/donate-home