12 pages
COUPLE BLESSINGS with LATIN MASS "We are gathering examples of liturgies and rituals used in the celebration of same-sex marriages, blessings, baptisms, namings, etc, in a Catholic context." 1. google.com …More
"We are gathering examples of liturgies and rituals used in the celebration of same-sex marriages, blessings, baptisms, namings, etc, in a Catholic context."
1. google.com/view/lgbt-ca-w/home
2. LGBT+CWNews&NotesJanuary2024.pdf
A priest who wrote a book accusing the Catholic Church in Scotland of being run by a "powerful gay mafia" says he has been bullied by church hierarchy.
A priest who wrote a book accusing the Catholic Ch…
Soley shares this
BENDICIONES DE PAREJAS CON MISA EN LATÍN "Estamos recogiendo ejemplos de liturgias y rituales utilizados en la celebración de matrimonios del mismo sexo, bendiciones, bautizos, nombramientos, etc, en un contexto católico."
El lobby tiene mucha gente a sueldo infiltrados en distintas iglesias y grupos online católicos. El que no sepa la Doctrina se perderá.
The lobby has many paid lobbyists infiltrating various Catholic churches and online groups. Anyone who does not know the Doctrine will be lost.
English Catholic
The truth is with all these groups, is that they are full of elderly people, and seldom, if ever, recruit the young. The young 'gay' people aren't interested in singing folk hymns with the elderly. They're not even interested in Catholicism. They just want to have a good time on the 'gay' pub and club scene. Look at the photo below for the Westminster LGBT Catholics group. Hardly teeming with youth …More
The truth is with all these groups, is that they are full of elderly people, and seldom, if ever, recruit the young. The young 'gay' people aren't interested in singing folk hymns with the elderly. They're not even interested in Catholicism. They just want to have a good time on the 'gay' pub and club scene. Look at the photo below for the Westminster LGBT Catholics group. Hardly teeming with youth and vitality, so therefore not the future of the Church. Also, these groups are very adept at deceiving people about how numerous they are. They are not. There was a claim made at one point that there would be an 'LGBT' Mass in every diocese - it never happened, because there simply aren't enough people who are same-sex attracted and also want to identify as Catholic. The 2021 Office of National Statistics mandatory census for England & Wales showed that only 1.54% of the population identified as 'gay or lesbian'. Census reveals LGBT numbers Only 8.3% of the population identified as Catholic, so only a fraction of the 1.54% of those who identified as 'gay or lesbian' would also identify as a Catholic. When someone like Cardinal Nichols comes to say Mass for them, they pad their numbers out with friends and family, and non-Catholics, to make it look as though there is a burgeoning pastoral need. There isn't. They also latch on to the secular 'Pride' marches, which always makes it look as though there are more of them. Of course, the Vatican document to the Bishops on the Pastoral Care of Homosexuals has gone right out the window - but it is still on the Vatican website and needs to be read: vatican.va/…con_cfaith_doc_19861001_homosexual-persons_en.html
Young "Catholics" 2022 LGTB google.com/view/lgbt-ca-w/home
English Catholic
@Fishermen The above photo is of young people on the 2022 Pride March wearing 'London Friend' t-shirts. London Friend is a secular LGBT organisation London Friend - LGBT Mental Health & Wellbeing It is not Catholic and there is no evidence that these people are Catholics. This is the point I was trying to make in my comment above. The Westminster LGBT Catholic group latches on to people like London …More
@Fishermen The above photo is of young people on the 2022 Pride March wearing 'London Friend' t-shirts. London Friend is a secular LGBT organisation London Friend - LGBT Mental Health & Wellbeing It is not Catholic and there is no evidence that these people are Catholics. This is the point I was trying to make in my comment above. The Westminster LGBT Catholic group latches on to people like London Friend, and puts pictures on their website, to make it look as though they have a large and young following. They simply don't. I worked for a Catholic organisation for a few years and thoroughly investigated this group. It started off as the Roman Catholic Caucus of the Lesbian & Gay Christian Movement, then evolved into the Soho Masses Pastoral Council, and now Westminster LGBT Catholics. As I said, they are numerically small and largely elderly.