THE WARNING and MIRACLE. Sourced from the US Garabandal site before it ceased operation following the unexpected death of its founder; Joseph (Joey) Lomangino. (Click on the text to enlarge it). Pax …More
Sourced from the US Garabandal site before it ceased operation following the unexpected death of its founder; Joseph (Joey) Lomangino.
(Click on the text to enlarge it).
Pax Vobiscum.
Fake aparition
@foward You're entitled to your opinion. The facts suggest otherwise. Read the full article instead of a knee-jerk reply.
English Catholic
@LiveJohn @foward I've read extensively about Garabandal and this post is a bit of an own goal. The alleged apparition of Our Lady said that Joey Lomangino would recover his eyesight on the day of the great Miracle (see cutting from your magazine). The Miracle hasn't happened. Joey Lomangino is dead. There isn't a shred of evidence that he 'spiritually' saw the Miracle as some have claimed - besides …More
@LiveJohn @foward I've read extensively about Garabandal and this post is a bit of an own goal. The alleged apparition of Our Lady said that Joey Lomangino would recover his eyesight on the day of the great Miracle (see cutting from your magazine). The Miracle hasn't happened. Joey Lomangino is dead. There isn't a shred of evidence that he 'spiritually' saw the Miracle as some have claimed - besides, according to your magazine, it said he would recover his eyesight on the day of the Miracle (which hasn't happened). There is also the case of Fr Luis Andreu. The alleged apparition said his body would be incorrupt. When his coffin was opened, it wasn't.
@English Catholic I had no input to the magazine nor its publication - your inference is therefore incorrect. Concerning Joey's new eyes, this event is to occur at the time of the Miracle and not before as many falsely proclaim. Unusual; that your so called 'comprehensive knowledge' failed to pickup the error. As we await the Miracle prior assumptions amount to nothing more than speculation.The same …More
@English Catholic I had no input to the magazine nor its publication - your inference is therefore incorrect. Concerning Joey's new eyes, this event is to occur at the time of the Miracle and not before as many falsely proclaim. Unusual; that your so called 'comprehensive knowledge' failed to pickup the error. As we await the Miracle prior assumptions amount to nothing more than speculation.The same applies to your conclusion concerning Fr Luis Andreu's incorrupt body.
English Catholic
@LiveJohn Sorry, I didn't mean to infer it was 'your' magazine, but just the one that you had posted. I can't understand, since Joey Lomangino is dead, that he will recover his eyesight on the day of the Miracle, as the magazine states that Our Lady said. It's no good having functioning eyes if you are dead. So does this mean that some people believe he will be resurrected on that day? And will Fr …More
@LiveJohn Sorry, I didn't mean to infer it was 'your' magazine, but just the one that you had posted. I can't understand, since Joey Lomangino is dead, that he will recover his eyesight on the day of the Miracle, as the magazine states that Our Lady said. It's no good having functioning eyes if you are dead. So does this mean that some people believe he will be resurrected on that day? And will Fr Andreu's corrupted body be made incorrupt on that day? Surely, you must be able to see why some people have concerns . . .
@English Catholic Apology accepted.
My post was intended as a primary source of information for those seeking to delve deeper into the Garabandal phenomena and NOT as a forum for those intending to 'LETS BUY AN ARGUMENT.
Moving on:
The only reason for concern would be if the Great Miracle didn't happen, however we have assurances from Conchita that the Miracle will indeed occur based upon the fact …More
@English Catholic Apology accepted.

My post was intended as a primary source of information for those seeking to delve deeper into the Garabandal phenomena and NOT as a forum for those intending to 'LETS BUY AN ARGUMENT.
Moving on:
The only reason for concern would be if the Great Miracle didn't happen, however we have assurances from Conchita that the Miracle will indeed occur based upon the fact that everything told her by the Mother of God had come true. Source: BBC 'After the Visions' when the seer was interviewed at length by BBC journalist Bill Nicholson.

Since The Holy Virgin has promised that among those present in Garabandal for the Miracle "all the sick will be cured" and given the supernatural character of the event, it makes logical sense that Joey's injury would be included. How this may happen is explored in an Op-Ed piece I wrote a couple of years ago and included in this reply for your interest and that of other visitors. GARABANDAL and JOSEPH LOMANGINO’S NEW EYES – an opinion.

With respect to Fr Andre's remains I expect them to be found incorrupt as on the day he died. No surprises there either -- as many of our beloved saints bear witness
English Catholic
@LiveJohn I wasn't trying to 'buy' an argument, but if you make claims, then I have a right to ask questions or challenge them, especially when two Garabandal 'prophecies' have failed - i.e. the alleged apparition saying Joey Lomangino would have his sight restored on the day of the Miracle (and the Miracle hasn't happened and he is dead) and also the alleged apparition saying that Fr Andreu's body …More
@LiveJohn I wasn't trying to 'buy' an argument, but if you make claims, then I have a right to ask questions or challenge them, especially when two Garabandal 'prophecies' have failed - i.e. the alleged apparition saying Joey Lomangino would have his sight restored on the day of the Miracle (and the Miracle hasn't happened and he is dead) and also the alleged apparition saying that Fr Andreu's body would be incorrupt, and it has been proved not to be incorrupt. There are plenty of incorruptibles in the Church - I have never heard of a case when a corrupted body suddenly became incorrupt. I think it is fair to challenge these things without it being implied that I am just arguing for the sake of it. It might also explain why the Holy See and all the local Ordinaries have never approved Garabandal. It would be interesting to find out where Garabandal stands on the DDF's new 'six grades' of approval of alleged apparitions.
@English Catholic We all have our own opinions which must be respected. Thank you for your input.
English Catholic
@LiveJohn No, one must respect the person, not necessarily their beliefs, especially if they are failed prophecies.