Garabandal Film - Second Message June 18th, 1965 Mary's last formal message at Garabandal which says: Many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are on the "road to perdition." From Saint Joseph …More
Garabandal Film - Second Message June 18th, 1965
Mary's last formal message at Garabandal which says: Many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are on the "road to perdition." From Saint Joseph Publications - Books, and Manuscripts of the Apparitions of the Virgin Mary at Garabandal
Our Lady's Message of June 18, 1965
Since my message of October 18, 1961 has not been complied with and has not been made much known to the world, I will tell you that this is the last one. Before the chalice was filling now it is overflowing. Many Cardinals, many Bishops, and many Priests are on the path of perdition and they take many souls with them. To the Eucharist, there is given less and less importance. We should avoid the wrath of God on us by our good efforts. If you ask pardon with your sincere soul God will pardon you. It is I, your mother, who through the intercession of St. Michael, wish to say that you amend, that you are already in the last warnings and that I love you much and do not …More
The Miracle
The girls asked insistently to Our Lady for a miracle. Like in Fatima, she said: “I will do a miracle for all to believe.”
In a note Conchita wrote:
“About the miracle, Our Lady only told me. She had prohibited me to say what it is about. I cannot say the date, until eight days before. What I can say is that it will coincide with a …More
The Miracle
The girls asked insistently to Our Lady for a miracle. Like in Fatima, she said: “I will do a miracle for all to believe.”

In a note Conchita wrote:
“About the miracle, Our Lady only told me. She had prohibited me to say what it is about. I cannot say the date, until eight days before. What I can say is that it will coincide with a Church event and with a feast day of a Saint, a martyr of the Eucharist. It will be at 8:30 pm on a Thursday and be visible for all who are in town and around the mountains. The sick who are present will be healed and the unbelievers will believe. It will be the greatest miracle Jesus has done for the world. There will be no doubt that it comes from God and for the good of humanity. A sign of the miracle will stay for ever, near the pines. It can be filmed and televised."

We can signal out essential aspects of the miracle, according to what the girls related in interviews and letters, especially Conchita.

• Conchita knows the exact date, and communicated it to Pope Paul VI, to his confessor and to Cardinal Ottaviani, who was Pre-perfect of the Holy Oder, known today as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
• Conchita will announce it to the world 8 days before the date.
• There will be one year between the warning and the miracle.
• It will last between 10 minutes and 1/4 of an hour.
• It will occur on Thursday at 8:30 pm in the afternoon.
• Between the 6 - 16 in one of these three months: March, April & May.
• This day will not be a Marian Feast day.
• It will coincide with the feast day of a martyred saint in relation with the
• It will also coincide with an important, rare, singular event for the Church as well as for all Christianity - a happy and fortunate event.
• It will the greatest miracle Jesus has done for the world.
• It will be visible in Garabandal and in the mountains around the area; it cannot be touched, but it will be able to be filmed and televised.
• It will not be necessary for the girls to be present at the moment of the miracle.
• The sick present will be healed and the unbelievers will believe.
• The Pope will see the Miracle “where ever he may be.”
LiveJohn Ivan Tomas Live Mike Lian Ronan
Hi @Alex A I urge you not to rush into making hasty conclusions. The truth is, that the events as foretold are unique amongst Marian Apparitions by proving their own authenticity through the fulfillment of the major prophecies; yet to unfold.
It also safeguards Garabandal from false declarations by the Vatican until such time as the valid election of a successor to Benedict XV1 is held.
While we …More
Hi @Alex A I urge you not to rush into making hasty conclusions. The truth is, that the events as foretold are unique amongst Marian Apparitions by proving their own authenticity through the fulfillment of the major prophecies; yet to unfold.
It also safeguards Garabandal from false declarations by the Vatican until such time as the valid election of a successor to Benedict XV1 is held.
While we wait; there is no rational reason for anyone to draw presumptive conclusions based upon speculative comments by others.
Alex A
Not approved by the church!
English Catholic
@Alex A I had this debate with LiveJohn only a week ago, over two failed prophecies from Garabandal: THE WARNING and MIRACLE.
@English Catholic.
You are constantly repeating yourself - ad nauseam, as the sole authority on Garabandal therefore, don't you think its about time you started preparing for the Worldwide Warning?
On your second point , I do not classify our recent exchange of opinions as a 'debate'. If it was, then clearly you lost.
Have a good day.More
@English Catholic.

You are constantly repeating yourself - ad nauseam, as the sole authority on Garabandal therefore, don't you think its about time you started preparing for the Worldwide Warning?

On your second point , I do not classify our recent exchange of opinions as a 'debate'. If it was, then clearly you lost.
Have a good day.
English Catholic
That's the sole point @LiveJohn ! I only ever quote the documents from the Holy See and the local Ordinaries of Santander. These are not my declarations and I have as much authority to pronounce on the authenticity of Garabandal as you do - i.e. none. Except I don't pronounce my own opinions as facts, but you do, like telling me to prepare for the Worldwide Warning. The Church has never declared …More
That's the sole point @LiveJohn ! I only ever quote the documents from the Holy See and the local Ordinaries of Santander. These are not my declarations and I have as much authority to pronounce on the authenticity of Garabandal as you do - i.e. none. Except I don't pronounce my own opinions as facts, but you do, like telling me to prepare for the Worldwide Warning. The Church has never declared there will be such a Warning, given through the alleged messages of Garabandal, but you are pronouncing this as a fact. I just relay the official documents. Also, why do you have to be so defensive? If being prepared for the alleged 'Warning' means being in a state of grace, how do you know I am not? I wasn't trying to 'win' any 'debate' or whatever you wish to call it. I was merely drawing attention to two Garabandal prophecies which have failed. Readers can make up their own minds. THE WARNING and MIRACLE. You have a good day too.
@English Catholic. GOODBYE and.....
Our Lady of Garabandal - Ivan Tomas LiveJohn:
The Miracle

The girls asked insistently to Our Lady for a miracle. Like in Fatima, she said: “I will do a miracle for all to believe.”
In a note Conchita wrote:
“About the miracle, Our Lady only told me. She had prohibited me to say what it is about. I cannot say the date, until eight days before. What …More
Our Lady of Garabandal - Ivan Tomas LiveJohn:

The Miracle

The girls asked insistently to Our Lady for a miracle. Like in Fatima, she said: “I will do a miracle for all to believe.”

In a note Conchita wrote:
“About the miracle, Our Lady only told me. She had prohibited me to say what it is about. I cannot say the date, until eight days before. What I can say is that it will coincide with a Church event and with a feast day of a Saint, a martyr of the Eucharist. It will be at 8:30 pm on a Thursday and be visible for all who are in town and around the mountains. The sick who are present will be healed and the unbelievers will believe. It will be the greatest miracle Jesus has done for the world. There will be no doubt that it comes from God and for the good of humanity. A sign of the miracle will stay for ever, near the pines. It can be filmed and televised."

We can signal out essential aspects of the miracle, according to what the girls related in interviews and letters, especially Conchita.

• Conchita knows the exact date, and communicated it to Pope Paul VI, to his confessor and to Cardinal Ottaviani, who was Pre-perfect of the Holy Oder, known today as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
• Conchita will announce it to the world 8 days before the date.
• There will be one year between the warning and the miracle.
• It will last between 10 minutes and 1/4 of an hour.
• It will occur on Thursday at 8:30 pm in the afternoon.
• Between the 6 - 16 in one of these three months: March, April & May.
• This day will not be a Marian Feast day.
• It will coincide with the feast day of a martyred saint in relation with the
• It will also coincide with an important, rare, singular event for the Church as well as for all Christianity - a happy and fortunate event.
• It will the greatest miracle Jesus has done for the world.
• It will be visible in Garabandal and in the mountains around the area; it cannot be touched, but it will be able to be filmed and televised.
• It will not be necessary for the girls to be present at the moment of the miracle.
• The sick present will be healed and the unbelievers will believe.
• The Pope will see the Miracle “where ever he may be.”

Abraham of Clermont
Alena of Dilbeek
Amandus of Bordeaux
Arcontius of Brioude
Cadwgan of Bangor
Calogero of Sicily
Calogerus of Fragalata
Calogerus the Anchorite
Colman mac Mici
Demetrius of Fragalata
Edith of Aylesbury
Elizabeth of Schönau
Elpidius of Brioude
Equizio of Telese
Etherius of Nicomedia
Euphemia of Altenmünster
Fortunatus the Philosopher
Gerland of Caltagirone
Gregory Barbarigo
Gregory of Fragalata
Gundisalvus of Silos

Guy of Baume
Jerome of Vallumbrosa
Marina of Alexandria
Marina of Bithynia
Marina of Spoleto
Osanna Andreasi
Osanna of Northumberland
Osmanna of Jouarre
Peter Sanchez

Hermits of Karden
Martyrs of Ravenna – 4 saints
Martyrs of Rome – 3 saints
Martyrs of Tripoli – 3 saints
Martyrs of Malaga

Baithan of Dunleer
Furudran of Dunleer
Hermann Floreffe
Hosanna Howden