Sign your petition to END communism in Cuba now: tfp.org/…ion/free-cuba-now-petition-to-president-joe-biden/ As the Communist Cuban government brutally suppresses protests in the streets, the American …More
Sign your petition to END communism in Cuba now: tfp.org/…ion/free-cuba-now-petition-to-president-joe-biden/
As the Communist Cuban government brutally suppresses protests in the streets, the American TFP joins those who deplore Marxism in all its forms to demand an end to the country’s communist dictatorship.
The time has come to rally around the abandoned Cuban people that have suffered this oppression for sixty-two years!
Thousands have been arrested in the current protests. Many were killed, and hundreds are missing. The government censors communication with the outside world and even blocks the Internet.
At this critical hour, the judgment of God and history will be severe should the anguished cries of protesters be ignored. The communist oppression in Cuba must be eliminated once and for all.
President Joseph Biden was recently forced to admit that “Communism is a failed system, a universally failed system. And I don’t see socialism as a very useful substitute.”
The American TFP …More
chris griffin
How about ending abortion in Cuba.