Hatred against a 'Saint'?

Most people believe that some of us hate 'pope' Francis, I can tell you for myself that I pray for 'pope' Francis soul most times and praying for someone who is trying to rip you apart, it doesn't matter …More
Most people believe that some of us hate 'pope' Francis, I can tell you for myself that I pray for 'pope' Francis soul most times and praying for someone who is trying to rip you apart, it doesn't matter who it is, is hard to do with love... but I Love my Lord and He said:
"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven." Matt 5:44-45
At the beginning of my path, which was to tell the whole world about Jesus Mercy, I saw that there was something off on this man who behaved like any good will citizen of the world who thinks that repentance is overrated as Francis declared:
"Atheists do good and we'll meet there"... "who am I to judge"... "Muslims with the coran with the faith of your fathers that it'll take you far"
Three statements that proclaims the intentions of Francis own heart.
In His autobiography written with his friend rabbi Skorka, Francis says clearly that he wouldn't dare to say that the lives of atheists …More
We can't stay silent about any destructive lies... at the same time, we need to pray for all dark souls including Francis, whose soul is in a dark place because he doesn't believe in Jesus, He doesn't love our Lord, if Francis did truly believed, he wouldn't preach what he preaches.
To pray for the soul of Francis is one thing, to expose him as an heretic is even more important in order to save the souls of those millions of people being led astray by the wrong teachings of Francis