6. Remain in Me "Write that I Am coming soon. To clothe My Army with My Grace and My Power. To engrave My Face on the hearts of My soldiers and My Name on their whole being – the Royal armor to be able …More
6. Remain in Me

"Write that I Am coming soon. To clothe My Army with My Grace and My Power. To engrave My Face on the hearts of My soldiers and My Name on their whole being – the Royal armor to be able to resist the onslaught of the enemy, who will each day attack with greater subtlety and greater pride." - Jesus

To read or download the messages in print, please go to 6. Remain in Me | Messages of Faith - Mission of Divine Mercy
Why would the Church approve something which tells you it’s rotten? The Church won’t give you anything that tells you how corrupt the Papacy and Episcopal lines are. Our Lord to Luisa Piccarreta in the 1920’s was prepared to go back to 12 Priests! Fatima no third secret. Lourdes did we get everything? Garabandal scrapped. Where is the full La Sallette message?
English Catholic
@Scapular Have you answered the question posed by Simon North and myself on the other thread? Divine Mercy & Will: St. Faustina & Luisa CONDEMNE… No, thought not. I'll remind you of the question: "Just one more point - being as @Scapular keeps posting these O'Connor/Luisa threads, I'm not letting him off the hook. He keeps doing these 'hit and run' jobs of posting this stuff, making one or two …More
@Scapular Have you answered the question posed by Simon North and myself on the other thread? Divine Mercy & Will: St. Faustina & Luisa CONDEMNE… No, thought not. I'll remind you of the question: "Just one more point - being as @Scapular keeps posting these O'Connor/Luisa threads, I'm not letting him off the hook. He keeps doing these 'hit and run' jobs of posting this stuff, making one or two short comments, then disappearing and leaving everyone else to slug it out, while he's probably sloped off to watch TV. 'Simon North' said "It would be helpful if you addressed some of Father Mawdsley's specific points. Ad hominem attacks are only issued by those not wanting to discuss the substance of a disagreement." I noted @Scapular went very silent after that. So @Scapular, let's hear your specific points, and please don't say 'Strong and Steadfast' made all my points for me, that would be one cop-out too many. Let's hear your specific points in your own words. Thank you.
English Catholic
Ecclesiastical rejection of these alleged locutions