Ave Maria Law priest takes bishops to task for failing to deny Communion to Biden, Pelosi, et. al.

Photo ~ Canon 915

Ave Maria Law priest takes bishops to task for failing to deny Communion to Biden, Pelosi, et. al.

ROME, March 21, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) - There had been a little off track betting going on among pro-life Catholics ( a tautology for sure) as to whether or not Vice Joe Biden and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi would receive Holy Communion at the Mass of Installation for Pope Francis in Rome. on Tuesday. The yeas far out polled they nays, and the yeas proved to be right. It was really a no-brainer!

Biden and Pelosi and other pro-abortion politicians have been thumbing their noses at church teaching for many years now. Even though it has been repeated ad infinitum that their behavior is contrary to Catholic teaching regarding the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death, they have continually presented themselves at the altar rail. They have never been denied the sacrament.

Some bishops have personally advised them not to receive Communion, since their public stand aids and abets a heinous crime. These warnings are, however, deemed pastoral and have no teeth. There is no unanimity among the bishops as to their imposition and whether or not an offending politician can be denied the sacrament if he or she presents themselves for Communion.

The timidity of the bishops stems from the lack of agreement as to how a bishop should apply Canon 915 is to be interpreted and used. The canon states, "Those who are excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion." This becomes problematic for two reasons: first, because many bishops are loathe to accuse politicians of grave sin; and second, because excommunication is a formal juridical act that effectively cuts off the offender from the sacramental life of the Church. It also means the denial of a Catholic funeral.

By the bishops refusing to take strong action, such as excommunication, politicians will continue their “in your face” attitude toward the church and her leaders. Such a failure will also continue to allow Catholics and people of good will to be scandalized. Even worse, it gives the impression that others may follow the behavior of wayward politicians with impunity.

Biden and Pelosi only did at the Vatican what they have been allowed to do at home. As the great Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonheoffer stated so well, dear bishops; Not to act is to act!
He who has not sinned cast the first stone, is Our Lord's clear teaching. However do not be fooled by the non-sense that world figures who publicly consistently articulate that it is ok to murder the innocents can receive Holy Communion. Their very act of presenting themselves for communion is the arrogance of Herod's wife, Our Lord has a phrase... don't cast pearls before swine.
Any prelate supporting …More
He who has not sinned cast the first stone, is Our Lord's clear teaching. However do not be fooled by the non-sense that world figures who publicly consistently articulate that it is ok to murder the innocents can receive Holy Communion. Their very act of presenting themselves for communion is the arrogance of Herod's wife, Our Lord has a phrase... don't cast pearls before swine.
Any prelate supporting that is clearly part of the gaggle of liars we see in the current German hierarchy.
Pray for the new Pope that he is supported by men of faith not what we see at present.
We need more priests like Padre Pio was back in his day. He would have told these bums to "GET OUT! Come back when you have confessed your sins with a truly contrite heart!" Whatever happened to clergy like that?
And there's the other toss of the coin on this:
Millions of Catholics go to Communion every week without ever going to Confession. I've seen this at every Catholic service I attend. A very …More
We need more priests like Padre Pio was back in his day. He would have told these bums to "GET OUT! Come back when you have confessed your sins with a truly contrite heart!" Whatever happened to clergy like that?

And there's the other toss of the coin on this:
Millions of Catholics go to Communion every week without ever going to Confession. I've seen this at every Catholic service I attend. A very small percentage of people go to Confession before Mass, yet 90% of the congregation get up and go to Communion....and I always think, "Am I the only sinner in this crowd?" The reality: people are embarrassed by their sins, don't want to go to Confession, but still want the sacrament of Holy Communion. It's called pride.
They condemn Obama but do not condemn Catholics who does as the same or worse than Obama. How can a Church has the respect of the world if she says one thing and does another?
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
I think hell just froze over .
[the 1984] Cuomo, however, was never counseled not to receive Communion. Ever since, more and more Catholics have decided that they can make their own decisions as to what is right and wrong morally.
1984, and many years before that, the decades keep rolling on, presidential campaigns come and go, and nothing …More

I think hell just froze over .

[the 1984] Cuomo, however, was never counseled not to receive Communion. Ever since, more and more Catholics have decided that they can make their own decisions as to what is right and wrong morally.

1984, and many years before that, the decades keep rolling on, presidential campaigns come and go, and nothing changes.

Catholics have supported Clinton, Clinton, Al Gore, Obama, and Obama, since 1984, today Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi represent Catholics and America in swearing in the new Pope and they receive communion at the Vatican itself.

They even received the Eucharist at the recent mass at the Vatican. The excuse makers said "But, the pope didn't give it to them." "There were just too many people to enforce Canon 915."

B.S. Everyone including the pope knew the dignitaries who would be there including Biden and Pelosi. The matter should have been handled even before they came to Rome. A letter to the effect "Only those Catholics who are in the state of grace who do not by their actions promote abortion or homosexual activity will be permitted to participate in receiving the Eucharist at the Inaugural Mass of Pope Francis."

This is sent before the hypocrites get to Rome. If they don't come, good. If they do come, have security at the door to refuse them entry.

It's simple if the big shots like Wuerl and Dolan in the Catholic Church had the will to do it. Unfortunately, they don't....and the beat goes on.