US Bishops Plan to Unite and Resist the Coercive HHS Mandate

Why is Pope Francis not speaking up on this????? He is the head of our church. He should leading this fight.

Vatican corrects infallible pope: atheists will still burn in hell

"Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." (Mark 16:16)
"Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son." (John 3:18)
How much clearer does this need to be spelled out?

Catholic school enrollment continues to fall in US

I'd be willing to bet alot of the "recent" cause is a failing economy. Tuition goes up, economy goes down, and so does enrollment.

Ave Maria Law priest takes bishops to task for failing to deny Communion to Biden, Pelosi, et. al

We need more priests like Padre Pio was back in his day. He would have told these bums to "GET OUT! Come back when you have confessed your sins with a truly contrite heart!" Whatever happened to clergy like that?
And there's the other toss of the coin on this:
Millions of Catholics go to Communion every week without ever going to Confession. I've seen this at every Catholic service I attend. A very …More
We need more priests like Padre Pio was back in his day. He would have told these bums to "GET OUT! Come back when you have confessed your sins with a truly contrite heart!" Whatever happened to clergy like that?

And there's the other toss of the coin on this:
Millions of Catholics go to Communion every week without ever going to Confession. I've seen this at every Catholic service I attend. A very small percentage of people go to Confession before Mass, yet 90% of the congregation get up and go to Communion....and I always think, "Am I the only sinner in this crowd?" The reality: people are embarrassed by their sins, don't want to go to Confession, but still want the sacrament of Holy Communion. It's called pride.

Dem Party official makes students 'stomp on Jesus'

I read about this yesterday. This is so wrong.
I would have taken a new piece of paper, written the teacher's name on it, thrown it on the floor, and spit on it. Then I would have said, "You think you're mad? Imagine how Jesus feels."

Pope Francis: U.S. was ‘stupid’ for shuffling around pedophile priests instead of firing them

Go tell 'em Pope Francis! I like your way of thinking.
If you're a priest and you can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen. You made vows, you married the Church. If you break your vows, you need to leave the marriage. Who wants to be married to a cheater? The Church doesn't need anymore damage...she needs to forgive, but clean house.More
Go tell 'em Pope Francis! I like your way of thinking.

If you're a priest and you can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen. You made vows, you married the Church. If you break your vows, you need to leave the marriage. Who wants to be married to a cheater? The Church doesn't need anymore damage...she needs to forgive, but clean house.

Catholic Church's celibacy rule 'can change' according to Pope Francis

I hate when the media does this...I like how they phrase this as if he said this during his papacy. This is pure media spin!
Priest need to stay celibate! You don't need to be married, or have experience with a woman, to know deeply the matters of the heart and spirit. You can know all about this with God's grace. Why is it that this world thinks you cannot find happiness unless you have sex? Not …More
I hate when the media does this...I like how they phrase this as if he said this during his papacy. This is pure media spin!

Priest need to stay celibate! You don't need to be married, or have experience with a woman, to know deeply the matters of the heart and spirit. You can know all about this with God's grace. Why is it that this world thinks you cannot find happiness unless you have sex? Not having sex never killed anybody. But having sex has. In fact, it's had severe repercussions in peoples lives since day one. There's alot of people out there who have sex, and are completely screwed up idiots. It's not a fix for anything. When will the world understand this?

1 Corinthians - Chapter 7:
32But I would have you to be without solicitude. He that is without a wife, is solicitous for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please God.
33But he that is with a wife, is solicitous for the things of the world, how he may please his wife: and he is divided…….
35 And this I speak for your profit: not to cast a snare upon you, but for that which is decent, and which may give you power to attend upon the Lord, without impediment.