Pope Francis: U.S. was ‘stupid’ for shuffling around pedophile priests instead of firing them

Photo ~ Cardinal Roger Mahony in 2007 Pope Francis: U.S. was ‘stupid’ for shuffling around pedophile priests instead of firing them Pope Francis is staunchly opposed to the “stupid” practice of …More
Photo ~ Cardinal Roger Mahony in 2007
Pope Francis: U.S. was ‘stupid’ for shuffling around pedophile priests instead of firing them
Pope Francis is staunchly opposed to the “stupid” practice of reassigning priests who are accused of pedophilia, preferring to drum them out of the priesthood instead.
The former archbishop of Buenos Aires — then known as Jorge Cardinal Bergoglio — favors “zero tolerance” for priestly sexual abuse and criticized previous cases in the U.S. where accused clerics were simply moved to other parishes, according to a book of conversations he had with Rabbi Abraham Skorka.
During his 14 years as archbishop, Bergoglio ordered church officials to report all allegations to the police rather than simply moving them to avoid damaging the church.
“That solution was proposed once in the United States ... switching the priests to a different parish. It is a stupid idea,” Bergoglio said. “That way, the priest just takes the problem with him wherever he goes.
Church officials …More
Sorry, no it was not "stupid", it was a deliberate evil act , not Almighty God's will but a will in league with the father of lies.
Do not belittle what happened by using mild mealy mouthed words like "stupid".
The truth will set you free not PR. It was the deliberate collusion of liars who no more cared for the young than satan himself.
Thanks Pope Francis for telling it like it is. I am an American and yes some ideas that come out of the USA are stupid. When there is a fault you can't let your national pride trump your FAITH!
Go tell 'em Pope Francis! I like your way of thinking.
If you're a priest and you can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen. You made vows, you married the Church. If you break your vows, you need to leave the marriage. Who wants to be married to a cheater? The Church doesn't need anymore damage...she needs to forgive, but clean house.More
Go tell 'em Pope Francis! I like your way of thinking.

If you're a priest and you can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen. You made vows, you married the Church. If you break your vows, you need to leave the marriage. Who wants to be married to a cheater? The Church doesn't need anymore damage...she needs to forgive, but clean house.
The article says the idea was stupid, not that the US is stupid, so I don't think the Cardinal, now our Pope, said anything wrong.
On Guard
🤦 First of all, it is NOT the fault of the U.S....so don't call my country "stupid". The real fault is that of the Catholic Church who asserts no leadership, nor discipline, for her priests.
It is also no business of Rabbi Abraham Skorka to be included in conversation of sodomite priests. The Cardinal should have discussed it with his own and in his own Church.
In studying the seminaries in …More
🤦 First of all, it is NOT the fault of the U.S....so don't call my country "stupid". The real fault is that of the Catholic Church who asserts no leadership, nor discipline, for her priests.
It is also no business of Rabbi Abraham Skorka to be included in conversation of sodomite priests. The Cardinal should have discussed it with his own and in his own Church.
In studying the seminaries in Argentina we find that they are small and almost empty. I think we need a bigger broom to clean out the whole Church.