Saint Gilbert of Sempringham Feb. 16 breski1 on Feb 16, 2011 Gilbert was born in Sempringham, England, into a wealthy family, but he followed a path quite different from that expected of him as the …More
Saint Gilbert of Sempringham Feb. 16
breski1 on Feb 16, 2011 Gilbert was born in Sempringham, England, into a wealthy family, but he followed a path quite different from that expected of him as the son of a Norman knight. Sent to France for his higher education, he decided to pursue seminary studies.
He returned to England not yet ordained a priest, and inherited several estates from his father. But Gilbert avoided the easy life he could have led under the circumstances. Instead he lived a simple life at a parish, sharing as much as possible with the poor. Following his ordination to the priesthood he served as parish priest at Sempringham.