ARTUR PAWLOWSKI, polski pastor z Calgary, Alberta, Canada aresztowany po raz kolejny /01 stycznia 2022/. Modlmy sie za tego dzielnego Rodaka i Jego bliskich. Totalitaryzm staje sie norma, zwlaszcza w …Więcej
ARTUR PAWLOWSKI, polski pastor z Calgary, Alberta, Canada aresztowany po raz kolejny /01 stycznia 2022/.
Modlmy sie za tego dzielnego Rodaka i Jego bliskich.
Totalitaryzm staje sie norma, zwlaszcza w krajach kondominium brytyjskiego: Australia, Nowa Zelandia i Kanada.
Marta1012... Nie ma przypadkow... we wszystkim jest wola Ojca niebieskiego.. mozliwe, ze ma on, Artur Pawlowski, byc wyrzutem dla wielu kaplanow katolickich, ku opamietaniu sie w gnusnosci, zdradzie, bylejakosci, pysze...
Byłoby dobrze gdyby nie był pastorem a księdzem. Najdalej protestantom do Królestwa Niebieskiego.
Blisko mu do Krolestwa Bozego.
ktoz jak Bog1
"niech bacza, podnoszacy reke, na tego dzielnego swiadka Chrystusa, aby sie nie okazalo, ze walcza z BOGIEM".
ktoz jak Bog1
Bog niech bedzie z Toba, Arturze.
Pastor Artur Pawlowski and his brother Dawid were arrested again, just moments ago.
Ten police cars.
20 cops.

Arresting him SWAT-team style, like before.
Pulling him over in the middle of a snowy roadway, at night, with cars speeding by. Just to humiliate him. And his son Nathaniel, who caught the whole thing on video.
Nathaniel asks the police, "no criminals to catch today?" One officer, who …Więcej
Pastor Artur Pawlowski and his brother Dawid were arrested again, just moments ago.
Ten police cars.
20 cops.

Arresting him SWAT-team style, like before.
Pulling him over in the middle of a snowy roadway, at night, with cars speeding by. Just to humiliate him. And his son Nathaniel, who caught the whole thing on video.
Nathaniel asks the police, "no criminals to catch today?" One officer, who identifies himself as Officer Moore, says "just him".
Except that's a lie. Pastor Artur has never been convicted of a crime, ever.
These cops just won't leave them alone. They've convinced themselves this is police work, against a hardened criminal. But they're lying to themselves — perhaps it's to assuage their guilty consciences.
It's becoming an international disgrace.
Here, watch the footage of what happened:

We've already been in touch with Artur's top-notch lawyer, Sarah Miller, who has helped him so well these past two years. I know she'll fight like a lioness for him.
But still: there's something deeply wrong when the police, politicians, health bureaucrats and the corporate media are persecuting this Christian man.
If you can help us crowdfund Pastor Artur's lawyer, please do — go to www.SaveArtur.com. (Thanks.)
We'll keep you posted with any updates.
Yours truly,
Ezra Levant
P.S. This really is a terrible look for Canada. We criticize countries like China for bullying Christian clergy. How can our politicians do the same here? Please help us fight back at www.SaveArtur.com.
P.P.S. Almost as bad as the politicized police are the "Media Party" who cheer them on. That's our promise here at Rebel News — we always tell you the other side of the story. Thanks for your help.