
Purgatory: Benito Mussolini went through purgatory before going to heaven, according Edvige ...

Edvige Carboni, (1880-1952) Mystic, Stigmatic, Victim Soul & Laywoman -

Edvige had visions of people who had gone to hell, of souls who were in purgatory and requested her help; and of souls who entered heaven.

Vitalia,her friend states: “There was a young man who lived in Edvige’s building. He never listened to her advice to repent. He was a nonbeliever and died suddenly from an electric shock in his place of work. They had enough time to take him to the hospital, but when he was there he rejected the priest and the sacraments.

One day Edvige saw him surrounded by flames, condemned. He was cursing her and reproached her for not having prayed more for him. Jesus consoled Edvige, telling her that He had mercy on this man by sending him a priest, but that he had rejected him."

There was another case of a man who was leading an honest life but who would never receive the sacraments. Jesus told Edvige to write to this man and tell him that unless he changed his way of life, he would be punished. The man did not want to repent and later on, Jesus let Edvige know that he also had been condemned.

Jesus also let Edvige know of a dentist in Sardinia who had been condemned:
“My daughter, that dentist that died a few months ago did not want to recognize me as His father, and I did not recognize him as a son.”

A well-known case was that of a priest who during WWII would give conferences denying the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist at a University in Rome. After his death, he appeared to Edvige who used to pray for him.

He told her that he had been condemned because of the books he had written against the faith and because of the scandal he had caused. To prove to Edvige that this was not her imagination, the priest picked up a book in her room and upon his touching it, it was completely burned.

Concerning purgatory, Edvige wrote in her diary on October 1943: “Someone appeared and touched my wrist and burned me. I did not know him. He was dressed as an official. He told me,
‘I died during the war. I would like some Masses celebrated by Mons. Vitali. You and your sister should offer Holy Communion for me.’

After having the Masses celebrated and the Communions offered for his intentions, he appeared to her again surrounded by light and said, ‘I am going to Heaven where I will pray for you two (Edvige and Paulina), and especially for Mons. Vitali. I am a Russian. My name is Paolo Vischin. My mother had educated me in the Faith, but when I grew up I let myself be led by bad influences. At the moment of death I repented and remembered what my mother taught me as a child.’”

Edvige wrote in her diary: “While I was praying in front of the Crucifix, a person appeared to me suddenly all in flames, a heard a voice say,

I am Benito Mussolini. The Lord has allowed me to come to you in order to get some relief from my sufferings in purgatory. I beg you as an act of charity to offer for me all your prayers, sufferings and humiliations for two years, if your director allows it. God’s mercy is infinite but so is His justice. One cannot enter Heaven until one has paid the last penny of the debt owed to Divine Justice. Purgatory is terrible for me because I waited until the last moment to repent.’

On spring day in 1951, Jesus told me after Holy Communion: This morning the soul of Benito Mussolini has entered into Heaven.’”

Mussolini died April 28, 1945

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