Allison Wards Amazing Baptizm. The true story of Allison Wards Conversion to ChristianityMore
Allison Wards Amazing Baptizm.
The true story of Allison Wards Conversion to Christianity
Wolves fleece the flock too! How can anybody be so foolish as to fall for this charlatanry.
Remember from scripture.The false teachers are Wolves in Sheep clothing. Wolves attack the flock.
Reading many of these comments by people who don't even know Allison Wards shows how they attack other Christians.
If you want to attack other Christians, the devil is always ready to help you.More
Remember from scripture.The false teachers are Wolves in Sheep clothing. Wolves attack the flock.
Reading many of these comments by people who don't even know Allison Wards shows how they attack other Christians.

If you want to attack other Christians, the devil is always ready to help you.
Gosh....... Simony being broadcast live? Hummmmm....... not sure. One hopes that the veracity of this proves conclusive in support of this girl's testimony. If not, no one makes a fool of the Almighty; He will intervene. 🙂
There are quite a few hits on Google I got about this revival being fraudulant and remarks made about this pastor and by this pastor in the same mode.
holyrope 3
This girl is a fake as well as the money making preacher! They promote Benny Hinn and his so-called "prophecy" on their website. Benny Hinn too is a fraud. These people are hoodwinking the people and can't wait till the end of the night to start counting the $$$$.
Beware of false prophets! Someone who shakes that bad, then gets up and holds the microphone still (as was her left hand also) and be …More
This girl is a fake as well as the money making preacher! They promote Benny Hinn and his so-called "prophecy" on their website. Benny Hinn too is a fraud. These people are hoodwinking the people and can't wait till the end of the night to start counting the $$$$.
Beware of false prophets! Someone who shakes that bad, then gets up and holds the microphone still (as was her left hand also) and be able to talk normal is not physically impaired. She is putting on an act, and says she can be still and other times she convulses like that! How easily it was for her to get up and just start talking and stop shaking...she is Acting! People, please wake up, and be careful of what is out there.