
Pope Francis Made a Wacky Prog Rock Album

11.29.15 Yes, the current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church just released a delightfully strange prog rock-inspired album, presumably to connect with the world’s youth. Last year, prior to his much-…More
Yes, the current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church just released a delightfully strange prog rock-inspired album, presumably to connect with the world’s youth.
Last year, prior to his much-ballyhooed popemobile tour of America, Pope Francis delivered a fiery speech at the International Drug Enforcement Conference in Rome. Despite peeving America’s conservatives with his more progressive views on climate change, gun control, and—to a degree—homosexuality, the white-robed capo di tutti capi of the Roman Catholic Church is more Reefer Madness than Dazed and Confused when it comes to the Devil’s Lettuce.
“The scourge of drug use continues to spread inexorably, fed by a deplorable commerce which transcends national and continental borders,” Pope Francis declared. “Attempts, however limited, to legalize so-called ‘recreational drugs’ are not only highly questionable from a legislative standpoint, but they fail to produce desired effects.”
Perhaps the 266th Pope should’ve made …More
St Turibio Romo
Indeed, a terrible chastisement.
Imitating the world will not bring any fruits. We have done it already for so long. Those who want the world prefer the original to the copy.
Uncle Joe
Brilliant! It doesn't get any better. I've been humming it all day. 🙄