"Dr. Coleman: Massive Cover-Up Exposed, Evidence of Myocarditis Disregarded by Big Media and Fact Checkers" - In the video below, Dr. Vernon Coleman discusses how the media reacted to the data and …More
"Dr. Coleman: Massive Cover-Up Exposed, Evidence of Myocarditis Disregarded by Big Media and Fact Checkers" - In the video below, Dr. Vernon Coleman discusses how the media reacted to the data and science proving their narrative to be nothing more than government overreach. It should be noted that Dr. Colman has been banned by most social media platforms. The Doctor even admitted that most accounts in his name on Twitter and Telegram are nothing more than fakes. Still, not worrying about what the media thinks of him or how Big Tech tried to silence him, Dr. Coleman stated:
“Back in December 2020 I warned that the mRNA Covid jabs could cause a huge number of serious adverse events – including myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes. The warning, the first in the world I believe, was largely ignored. Doctors sneered and ignored it and fact checkers denied it – even though the warning was based on evidence from the American Government.”
The doctor added:
“And then a few months ago I revealed …More
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Dr Coleman