Saint of the Day: May 4th - Saint Monica. Butler'sLivesoftheSaints A.D. 387. The Church is doubly indebted, under God, to the saint of this day, namely, for the birth, and still more so for the conversion …More
Saint of the Day: May 4th - Saint Monica.
Butler'sLivesoftheSaints A.D. 387.
The Church is doubly indebted, under God, to the saint of this day, namely, for the birth, and still more so for the conversion of the great Saint Austin; who was more beholden to Saint Monica for his spiritual life by grace, than for his corporal life by his birth and education. She was born in 332, in a pious family, and early instructed in the fear of God. She often professed her singular obligations to a virtuous, discreet, maid servant, whom her parents intrusted with the education of their children, and who instilled into them maxims of piety, restrained the least sallies of their passions, and by her prudence, words, and example, inspired them with an early sense and love of every duty. She was so strict in regard to her charge, that, besides making them observe great temperance in their meals, she would not allow them to drink even water at any other times, how great thirst soever they might pretend. …More